Monday, December 24, 2012

What Causes Anger?

Anger is a strong emotion of displeasure caused by some type of grievance that is either real or perceived to be real by a person. The cognitive behavior theory attributes anger to several factors such as past experiences, behavior learned from others, genetic predispositions, and a lack of problem-solving ability. To put it more simply, anger is caused by a combination of two factors: an irrational perception of reality ("It has to be done my way") and a low frustration point ("It's my way or no way"). Anger is an internal reaction that is perceived to have a external cause. Angry people almost always blame their reactions on some person or some event, but rarely do they realize that the reason they are angry is because of their irrational perception of the world. Angry people have a certain perception and expectation of the world that they live in and when that reality does not meet their expectation of it, then they become angry.

It is important to understand that not all anger is unhealthy. Anger is one of our most primitive defense mechanisms that protects and motivates us from being dominated or manipulated by others. It gives us the added strength, courage, and motivation needed to combat injustice done against us or to others that we love. However, if anger is left uncontrolled and free to take over the mind and body at any time, then anger becomes destructive.

Why We Need to Control Anger

What Causes Anger?

Just like a person who is under the control of a street drug---a person under the influence of anger cannot rationalize, comprehend, or make good decisions because anger distorts logical reasoning into blind emotion. You become unable to think clearly and your emotions take control of your actions. Physiologically speaking, anger enacts the fight or flight response in our brain, which increases our blood pressure and releases adrenaline into our bloodstream, thereby increasing our strength and pain threshold. Anger makes us think of only two things: (1) Defend, or (2) Attack. Neither of these options facilitates a good negotiation.

Internal Sources of Anger

Our internal sources of anger come from our irrational perceptions of reality. Psychologists have identified four types of thinking that contribute to anger.

1. Emotional reasoning. People who reason emotionally misinterpret normal events and things that other people say as being directly threatening to their needs and goals. People who use emotional reasoning tend to become irritated at something innocent that other people tell them because they perceive it as an attack on themselves. Emotional reasoning can lead to dysfunctional anger in the long run.

2. Low frustration tolerance. All of us at some point have experienced a time where our tolerance for frustration was low. Often stress-related anxiety lowers our tolerance for frustration and we begin to perceive normal things as threats to our well-being or threats to our ego.

3. Unreasonable expectations. When people make demands, they see things as how they should be and not as they really are. This lowers their frustration tolerance because people who have unreasonable expectations expect others to act a certain way, or for uncontrollable events to behave in a predictable manner. When these things do not go their way, then anger, frustration, and eventually depression set in.

4. People-rating. People-rating is an anger-causing type of thinking where the person applies a derogatory label on someone else. By rating someone as a "bitch" or a "bastard," it dehumanizes them and makes it easier for them to become angry at the person.

External Sources Of Anger

There are a hundreds of internal and external events that can make us angry, but given the parameters of a negotiating situation, we can narrow these factors down to four general events.

1. The person makes personal attacks against us. The other side attacks you along with the problem in the form of verbal abuse.

2. The person attacks our ideas. The other side chops down our ideas, opinions, and options.

3. The person threatens our needs. The person threatens to take away a basic need of ours if they do not get their way i.e. "I'll make sure you'll never work in this city again."

4. We get frustrated. Our tolerance level for getting things done might be low or affected by any number of environmental factors in our lives.

Factors That Lower Our Frustration Tolerance

1. Stress / Anxiety. When our stress-level increases, our tolerance for frustration decreases. This is why there are so many domestic disputes and divorces over financial problems.

2. Pain. Physical and emotional pain lowers our frustration tolerance. This is because we are so focused on taking care of our survival needs, that we do not have time for anything or anyone else.

3. Drugs / Alcohol. Drugs and alcohol affect how our brain processes information and can make a person more irritable or bring forward repressed emotions or memories that can trigger anger.

4. Recent irritations. Recent irritations can also be called "having a bad day." It's the little irritations that add up during the course of the day that lower our tolerance for frustration. Recent irritations can be: stepping in a puddle, spilling coffee on your shirt, being late for work, being stuck in a traffic jam, having a flat tire.

Recognizing the Physiological Signs of Anger

By recognizing the physiological signs of anger, we can attune ourselves to know when it is time to take measures to make sure that our level of anger does not get out of control. Here are some symptoms of anger:

1. Unconscious tensing of muscles, especially in the face and neck.

2. Teeth grinding

3. Breathing rate increases dramatically

4. Face turns red and veins start to become visible due to an increase in blood pressure

5. Face turns pale

6. Sweating

7. Feeling hot or cold

8. Shaking in the hands

9. Goosebumps

10. Heart rate increases

11. Adrenaline is released into your system creating a surge of power.

Am I Right to be Angry?

Damn right you are. You have your own perception and expectation of the world that you live in and when the reality that you live in fails to meet your expectations, then yes you have the right to be angry. Afterall, if everyone thought alike, then the world would be a pretty dull place to live. You are going to run into situations that you don't enjoy. You are going to run into people who don't respect your views and ideas. The feeling of anger is totally justified according to your beliefs and so don't repress or deny those feelings.

Having to right to feel angry does not mean that you have the right to lash out in anger by attacking the other person. You can't change the views of other people to conform to your own because, like you, they have their own right to uphold their view of the world. The best thing you can do is recognize your anger and focus it on the problem instead of your counterpart.

Key Points

Being angry or frustrated is just like being under the influence of a drug. It prevents you from rationalizing and thinking logically.

Anger is caused by a combination of an irrational perception of reality and a low frustration point.

Anger is a natural response and you have every right to be angry, but you must learn to keep that anger in check during a negotiation because once you react in any negotiation, then you lose the agreement.

What Causes Anger?
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Tristan J. Loo is an experienced negotiator and an expert in conflict resolution. He uses his law enforcement experience to train others in the prinicples of defusing conflict and reaching agreements. Visit the Street Negotiation website at or contact tristan at:

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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Environmental Issues Articles: What's Their Focus?

Environmental issues articles can be write-ups about the different environmental problems the world is facing today. Environmental problems connote something negative about the human activity on its biophysical environment. There are environmental and social movements around the world that address these problems through activism, education, and advocacy.

Environmental issues articles are concerned about climate change, environmental degradation, pollution, resource depletion, and the likes. Through science and the application of the scientific method, more and more individuals have an increased level of understanding about Mother Earth. A multi-disciplinary academic study known as environmental science is now being researched and taught in various universities around the globe. This study serves as basis in dealing with issues on the environment.

Environmental issues articles are mostly reports made from the collection of large amounts of data and are mostly issued at the international, national, and regional levels government and non-government organizations. The United Nations Environment Program which was set up in 1972 is the largest international agency that addresses these types of issues.

Environmental Issues Articles: What's Their Focus?

Addressing environmental problems through articles aim for sustainability in reducing or preventing the negative effects on our environment. Most of these articles encourage organizations and individuals to act collectively in order for humans to use the Earth's resources within the sustainable limits.

Articles regarding these issues can be about climate change: global warming, fossil fuels, greenhouse gas, and shutdown of thermohaline circulation, global dimming, sea level rise, and ocean acidification. Global warming issues typically centers on the continuous rise of the normal temperature of the Earth's oceans and atmosphere. Burning fossil fuels are also common issues in articles concerning the environment.

Some articles about environmental issues also focus on conservation. Typical points of discussion include species extinction, coral bleaching, invasive species, endangered species, pollinator decline, Holocene extinction, and poaching. Conservation's primary focus is to maintain the overall health of the natural world that includes biological diversity, habitats, and fisheries.

Pollution is also a common issue that is discussed in write-ups. Most articles talk about light pollution, visual pollution, point source pollution, noise pollution, and non-point source pollution. Air and water pollution are also very common topics of articles on our environment.

The biophysical environment which consists of the built environment and the natural environment must interact symbiotically in order to maintain sustainability. Without this symbiosis which the environmental issues articles tend to focus on, the degradation of the Earth will continue and the human race will perish.

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Friday, December 14, 2012

Earth Day Fundraisers - Educational, Profitable, and Environmental

On April 22nd this year, as on that day every year, we celebrate Earth Day and spend some time reflecting on our impact on the planet and work on integrating earth friendly practices into our daily routines.

For groups who need to raise money in the Spring, (and what group doesn't?) Earth Day provides a fantastic opportunity to promote one of the newest and most exciting areas of brochure based fundraising: Green Fundraising.

Green Fundraising is as simple as it is effective. Groups decide which of a number of all natural, organic, or earth friendly fundraising product lines they want to sell, order some free brochures, and then go sell.

Earth Day Fundraisers - Educational, Profitable, and Environmental

What makes green fundraising such a popular choice is that the products can help people to make a difference for the planet. Take for example one of the most popular green fundraising products, reusable shopping bags. Reusable bags can help each person who buys and uses one reduce their plastic bag waste by 500 bags every year.

Another very green fundraiser that is gaining in popularity is the vegetable garden fundraiser. With this fundraiser, group members sell kits that allow customers to plant and grow their very own delicious and nutritious vegetables.

So as everyone recognizes Earth Day, use the time and the fact that the environment is more in your customers minds to offer them earth friendly products. Show them that an individual can make a difference for the environment and that your group is doing everything possible to help that movement.

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Jordan Gottlieb is the author of this article.

Learn more about Green Fundraising.
Learn more about Earth Day Fundraising.

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Sunday, December 9, 2012

My Cat Keeps Sneezing - What to Do When You Have a Cat Sneezing a Lot

Okay. Your cat keeps sneezing. As long as you don't have a cat sneezing blood, this is probably not a case of something really bad like feline leukemia. He may have caught a "cat cold", or may have just got some dust or allergens in his nose. Regardless, if your cat or kitten keeps sneezing, you will want to take a look at some common cat sneezing symptoms to determine what course of action to take, and how serious the problem is.

When you have a cat sneezing a lot, especially if there is cat sneezing and coughing present, something has gone from a not-so-serious issue to a more dangerous health concern. True, your cat loves to investigate and explore its world with its nose, but that little bit of dust, if left untended, can result in a much more serious matter.

In a cat, upper respiratory infection is a very common ailment that can be diagnosed rather easily. If you have cat sneezing and runny nose, and these symptoms are accompanied by loss of appetite, depression, and coughing. The good news is you can keep this from occurring when your cat keeps sneezing if you treat the flu-like symptoms quickly.

My Cat Keeps Sneezing - What to Do When You Have a Cat Sneezing a Lot

But, you ask, how can I treat my cat? I can not afford an expensive vet trip, and hate to see my feline friend stuck and prodded and mad at me. What are your options? You have only two options here other than an expensive, painful vet trip.

If your cat or kitten sneezes periodically, give it a day and see if it stops. It could be that a local environmental effect like dust or dirt has lodged in your pet's nasal passage, and will be sneezed out. But if your kitten or cat keeps sneezing a lot, you can be certain that there is a bigger problem at hand. At this point, we can rule out ignoring the problem, as it can become much more serious, and even lead to feline leukemia or lung problems.

The only available option if your cat keeps sneezing is actually a treatment that has been around since the beginning of time, and a treatment that wild cats use all the time. Using natural herbs and naturally occurring substances and minerals as opposed to chemicals and medicines produced by man is the practice of homeopathy. Many veterinarians and pet experts have been saying for years that our current medicinal practices and pet foods may actually be shortening our beloved pet's lives.

Employing homeopathic, holistic cures found in nature is preferred for many reasons. First, there are no side-effects. Vet cures can have painful side-effects, some of them worse than the symptoms they are meant to cure. Homeopathic cures are also non-intrusive. There is no scaring your cat with a vet, no shots, and no cramming him into a cat carrier. Homeopathic cures are sprinkled or dropped onto your pet's tongue, and that is it. Oh yeah, there is no devastating veterinarian's bill, either.

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Thursday, December 6, 2012

McDonalds Business Analysis

'In the 1990s managers will be judged on their ability to identify, cultivate, and exploit the core competencies that make growth possible - indeed, they'll have to rethink the concept of the corporation it self.'

C K Prahalad and G Hamel 1990

Organizations do not exist in vacuum. They operate within a competitive industrial environment. Analyzing its competitors not only enables an organization to identify its own strengths and weaknesses but also help to identify opportunities for and threats to the organization from its industrial environment. SWOT analysis is a systematic analysis of these factors and the strategy that reflects the best match between them.

McDonalds Business Analysis

Let us analyze these principals in relation to the core competence of McDonalds, one of the largest food chain companies in the world. Let us first start with the strengths and the positive aspects which define the performance of this company. How can we define the company's strengths? Strength is a distinctive competence that gives the firm a comparative advantage in the market place. For instance financial resources, image, market leadership and buyer supplier relations etc
McDonalds is the no: 1 fast food chain stores with a 40 million customers visiting it per day. It has over 30,000 branches in 120 countries. It derives 80% of its revenues from eight countries like Canada, Brazil, Germany, France, Japan, UK, Australia and US. The greatest strength was creating an image in the minds of the people and introducing them to the fast food culture. Delivery speed, customer care and cleanliness are the core strengths on which these stores expanded. They created a corporate symbol and their advertisement campaigns were highly successful in establishing the brand image and logo in the minds of the millions. Two main competitors generally identified with McDonalds are the Burger King and the KFC. McDonalds marketing strategy is concerned with the internal resources, external environment and its basic competencies along with its share holders.

McDonald's product value is also its greatest strengths. Customers know what to expect when they walk into a McDonalds store. It gives great emphasis to human resources by satisfying both the customer and the employees. Next is the innovation aspect wherein new products line up to catch up with the new trends and tastes of the people. Its diversity into other new business ventures can also be considered as its strengths.

How effective are these strengths to the company in the long run? McDonalds today is not that amendable as it was during its inception. What are the driving factors which results in its present decline in terms of sales and services? To analyze this factor we have to look at the weaknesses part of the companies business and marketing strategy. What can generally be termed as a weakness of a company? The same factors which were considered as strengths also become a weakness if it impedes the overall performance of the company.

Customer trends change and so does their choices. People are generally tired of the same brands that they had been using over the years, so when they do not see the expected innovation they migrate to new brands. Moreover people see McDonalds every where and this over exposure might also be a reason for abstinence. Moreover maintaining the standards of such a huge chain becomes feasible and when there is lack of quality service in one store it effects the whole brand.

The secret of any marketing strategy is to reach the target audience. And here again the target audience should be chosen carefully. In the case of McDonalds as projected in its ads, the targeted audiences were the kids. Demographics and customer financial and psychological aspects define a business concerns success. Health conscious women and senior citizen comprise the major population but kids soon grow out to become adults. Recent law suits and documentaries resulted in the companies recent innovation and a major change related to health related product ranges and this switch over as per the needs of today's trend and needs has increased the lost popularity of McDonalds a bit.
All the above factors point out the external strengths and weaknesses. There are also internal factors which affect the performance and overall benefits the company stands to enjoy. Kids based marketing strategy which was earlier a weakness has changed since 2003. Now more teenagers and adults rule the McDonalds ad world. The research and develop which lacked earlier is also looked into and the brand quality is being defined with various research and development options today. McDonald at one stage started concentrating on expansion and growing big that it missed out on key factors like quality maintenance and R&D.

One major threat to any brand is its relationship between the management and the franchise dealers. Organization strength is the back bone of any concern and when that starts shaking the whole system will collapse. But slowing McDonald is recovering from all these weaknesses as its brand managers can easily communicate, compare and improve their services through the latest technological developments wherein they can use the internet to motivate, compare and improve upon other centers performances.

The overall analysis of all the external and internal strengths and weaknesses on this company should be linked in order to draft a sustainable plan for the companies' further improvement. For any improvement or expansion the internal resources must be readily available. And thus analyzing this aspect can lead to a modified strategy to suit its vision. Keeping in mind the available resources the planner should think globally. Hence making use of all the core competencies the firm can definitely sustain in the competitive market.

The change in the top managerial level has creating a new wave in its performance and major changes have been implemented to retain and sustain the brand quality and innovation. As the new CEO rightly quotes,

"The world has changed. Our customers have changed. We have to change too."
James R. Cantaloupe, Chairman and CEO, McDonald's, 2003

Now let us analyze the sustainable competitive advantage of the company. What is sustainable competitive advantage? How can it be related to McDonalds? SCA is the advantage a company has which is difficult or impossible for other companies to possess or break through. It can either be the brand, dynamic customer care, cost structure or its patent. Whatever the advantage in order to be considered as sustainable it should either be proprietary or distinctive. Other than this three different aspects that help in SCA are,

o The managerial and organizational process should share a good integration and coordination. The much needed 'value' is created thereby as everyone strives to work for a common goal. The organization should learn and bring about changes according to the need of the hour and should always be flexible to changes in the environment such as customer trends, legal or government restriction and developments in the technology. McDonalds is presently concentrating on this advantage by concentrating on organizational behavior and managerial expertise. Previously this advantage was ignored as the organization was more into expansion of its outlets over the globe than strengthening its core advantage. As the result the revenue did not see much of a change while newer outlets were open. The company suffered a massive loss first time since their inceptions which further lead to the change in the managerial heads.

o Technological, structural and financial assets of a company are excellent market position which helps in the SCA. McDonalds no doubt is abundant with such aspects like structure, technology and finance. To identify and implement these assets in the proper direction towards the improvement of the company is all that is needed. After 2003 the company has really started to concentrate on its greatest advantages.

o Most of all the greatest advantage is the vision or the dream with which the company was started. Sustaining this dream over the years is any companies' greatest advantage. A brand usually revolves around this vision sustaining this vision and working in lieu with it is a great SCA. McDonalds was started out to help people who had very little time to cook or was too busy to get into a proper restaurant. The vision was to provide quick service, cheap products and quality satisfaction. Keeping this vision in mind the company which slackened a bit because of incompetent franchise holders is being weeded and new and better people are put in this place as the torch bearers of the company sustaining and living the vision.

To sum it all up SCA means implementing the best value based strategy using all the advantages which are unique to the company and that which cannot be copied or replicated by other competitors. The importance of this SCA can be evident by the reply the great investment guru Warren Buffet gave when asked about how he evaluates his investment portfolio. He simply answered 'sustainable competitive advantage'. Hence based on the dynamic integrated and intelligent human resources can always be the only dependable and sustainable SCA.
Outsourcing boom or doom in today's business environment

Today everything is outsourced from employee appointment to finance and customer care. No organization is best enough to handle all kinds of work. Moreover concentrating on every detail is not possible with a big concern especially like McDonalds. But great care should be taken not to outsource the core competences of the company. General advantages of outsourcing are cheap service, knowledge of markets offshore, flexible resources, speedy operations, expansion in supplier relationship etc. most of all the company can concentrate on its core competencies and outsource rest of its operation. Recently McDonald has tested its drive through order facility. Wherein it makes sure that the order placed with the outlet is accurate. The order taken by the outsourced company is reverted back to the home restaurant. These call center has a digital camera which clicks the vehicle you drive through and the delivery man back home can integrate the order and the person who placed it using the image of the car. Outsourcing thus helps in the increase of the external suppliers and fills up the difficulties faced because of the lack of the latest technologies and other innovations.

What started of as a success story with McDonalds had to face a number of risks, competitions and major set backs. What makes it still strong and ranked among the top business concerns is its core competences and the sustainable competitive advantages both internal and external. Of course keeping up with the changing times the company has also set foot in outsourcing but the point to keep in mind here is not to be driven away by this outsourcing mania. This company has started to revert back to its golden glory recently because of large scale revamping of its organizational and structural changes being implemented.


No particular competitive strategy is guaranteed to achieve success at all times. Risk attitudes can change and vary by industry volatility and environmental uncertainty and several internal conditions also might be involved. Thus the "four P's" of marketing (product, price, place and promotion) provide a good starting point for consideration of the requirements of strategy implementation in the marketing function. The mix of these marketing elements should be appropriate and the plans for each of the elements should also be appropriate.

The marketing function is consumer oriented and hence marketing decisions are based on the careful identification of consumer needs and on the design of marketing strategies to meet those needs. The distribution system brings the product or service to the place where in can best fill customer needs. Access to distribution can mean all the differences between success and failure for a new product. Because many products require support from distribution channels in the form of prompt service, rapid order processing etc the choice of distributors, wholesalers and jobbers is extremely important.

Promotion is more than advertising. The location, size and nature of markets which the business strategy defines will guide promotion mix decisions and should indicate the content of promotional material as well. Pricing is a complex issue because it is related to cost, volume, trade offs etc and because it is frequently used as a competitive weapon. Pricing policy changes are likely to provoke competitor response. Using price to jockey for position can lead to price wars, which usually hurt all participants.

Marketing has received increasingly greater attention in the competitive business since the early modern era. The old concept of marketing focused on the firms existing products and considered marketing to consist of selling and promotion to maximize sales at a profit. The new concept however focuses on the firms existing potential customers and seeks to earn profit through customer satisfaction with an integrated marketing program.

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Sunday, December 2, 2012

List of Environmental Problems

With the latest researches on global warming and climate change, there are several agencies that promote environmental awareness and taking care of the environment. A large part of the environmental awareness program is on helping the public know more about the environmental problems and the alternatives to solving them. Here is a list of the most common environmental problems that the public should be aware of.

* Garbage problem

This is very common in third world countries. The people do not have access to information to proper waste disposal that they end up mismanaging their garbage. This is evidenced by heaps of garbage in inappropriate areas and water systems. Some people also tend to burn their garbage leading to more environmental problems.

List of Environmental Problems

The best way to solve this is to educate the people on garbage segregation. The people must also find ways on how to recycle their waste materials so that there will be little need to create more landfills in the future.

* Air pollution

Industrialization is, perhaps, the main culprit for the growing air pollution in many countries. It is good that the more advanced countries are also now focusing on looking on more environment friendly methods of production in order to minimize the effects of industrialization to the environment. Industrial smoke from factories and the smoke from vehicles are now being reduced through the use of other sources of fuel and energy other than fossil fuels.

* Water pollution

The waters of the world are great sources of food and materials for man. However, if the natural habitats of fishes and other marine animals are contaminated, marine resources become depleted, which could eventually lead to food shortage.

People who live near the shores and other bodies of water should learn how to properly dispose their solid and water wastes so that the natural ecosystem will not be contaminated. Environment-friendly detergents, soaps and other solutions should also be used in order to prevent marine life poisoning.

If there will just be enough trees and forests in the world, the effects of climate change and global warming will be greatly reduced. But since the forest areas are being reduced to expand the human habitats or to serve as quarry sites, more and more landslides tend to occur. The presence of trees also tends to reduce the temperature and to provide more food and protection for other animals.

With each person planting at least one tree, the world will be on its way to saving itself from these environmental problems.

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Please click these links if you want to know more about list of environmental problems or list of radioactive elements in general.

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