Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Environmental Issues in India

The environmental issues in India become more serious every day and she is turning into a bit of a mess on this front but with over 1 Billion people most of which in dire poverty, it's hardly surprising. The recent boom in its industries, little or no environmental education, infrastructure at bursting point not to mention the huge deforestation that's going on.

India appears to be digging its own grave deeper and quicker than the rest of us, nearly 30% of India's gross agricultural output is lost every year due to soil degradation, poor land management and counter productive irrigation. 7516 km of coastline have also come under attack from this environmental sabotage, overfishing remains a huge problem due to lack of legislation enforcement. Raw sewage from an awful lot of people is pumped endlessly into the ocean along with other industrial waste and chemicals.


India's incredibly vulnerable water supply has also come under attack from every angle resulting in very dramatic drop in the national water tables. Air pollution remains a huge problem in India with the diesel used containing up to 200 times the amount of sulfur than our European diesel.

The Environmental Issues in India

The quite rapid story if India's deforestation is rather depressing. It is predicted that almost 5.3 Million hectares of forest have been destroyed since the independence. The government has been slow to recognise this problem and the solutions it has come up with involve unenforceable legislation mixed with wide spread corruption and a million poeple buring desire to survive

Land degradation, disease and a huge litter problem are some of the other problems which plague this great nation. It is however, not all lost...

The Environmental Issues in India

Follow the link below for a complete view of the Environmental issues in India. http://www.all-about-india.com/Environmental-issues-in-India.html

Another Expert article from the web's most comprehensive India resource.
Written by Oliver Wakefield of All-about-India.com

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