Saturday, July 28, 2012

Philippine Peso Dollar Exchange Rate

Forecasting what the Philippine Peso Dollar Exchange Rate would be is not as simple it may look. There are a lot of variables to look out for, the economy, government, news and environmental factors contribute to what the Philippine Peso Dollar Exchange Rate would be for the day. It is govern by supply and demand. When one is in this field of buying or selling dollars, be an importer, exporter, traveller or a currency changer, they will do have a hunch on what the Philippine Peso Dollar Exchange Rate be.

The trend most of the time for the Philippine Peso Dollar Exchange Rate to go down is during June and December. Most Oversea Workers send a lot of remittances to the Philippines during June for enrollment and specially on December, Christmas holidays. A slight increase in the Philippine Peso Dollar Exchange Rate on the months of January and September where importers pays out goods purchased.


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Decades ago, the Banko Central ng Pilipinas controlled the Philippine Peso Dollar Exchange Rate to a fix twenty six pesos P26 to a dollar. Today, the Philippine Peso Dollar Exchange Rate is governed by the supply and Demand of it. Since 2004, Peso has been gaining and appreciating from the dollar. From a high of Fifty six pesos P56 on the year 2004, it has come around to Forty four P44 now, October 2007. The Philippine Peso Dollar Exchange Rate has not really been going down each day, there are also times when bad government news affected a slight increase on the Philippine Peso. But because of good economic performance Peso has been gaining stronger.

Philippine Peso Dollar Exchange Rate

The Philippine Peso Dollar Exchange Rate has also been strengthening because of the poor economic update on the United States. United States has been in economic crisis which has also have a strong effect on the Philippine Peso Dollar Exchange Rate.

Economist has predicted for Peso to strengthen up to Forty Pesos P40 this coming Christmas holiday where Remittances would be fast coming in the Philippines. Oversea Workers mostly send remittance during this season. But the Oversea Workers and Exporters has been complaining of the sudden downfall of the Philippine Peso Dollar Exchange Rate. Oversea workers should be remitting more to cope up with the exchange rate, thus working more hours or having lesser savings. Exporters have also been complaining on the low exchange rate, their dollar earned when converted is much lesser now a days. There are a lot of exporters who have closed down due to their crisis right now. On the contrary, there are a lot of happy importers, and dollar spenders. They can buy goods much cheaper with the Philippine Peso Exchange Rate going down.

It may not be easy on how to predict what Philippine Peso Exchange Rate would be, but hope it has given you a few insights and tips on it.

Philippine Peso Dollar Exchange Rate

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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Environmental Issues in Japan

As an industrialized nation Japan must deal with tough environmental issues. Japan is the world's leading importer of exhaustible energy resources and the world's fifth largest emitter of greenhouse gases. It is a signatory of the Kyoto Protocol and also the country which hosted the conference in 1997. Under the Kyoto Protocol treaty Japan is obligated to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions to a level 6% lower than its 1990 levels. In addition, Japan must take other steps to curb global climate change.

Nuclear power provides about 35% of Japan's electricity. There are currently 63 nuclear power plants operating in Japan making it the second largest user of nuclear power in the world. All of these power plants produce waste which much be dealt with. Especially dangerous is HLW, or high-level radioactive waste. To address this issue the Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant was built in Ibaraki, Japan. There are many opponents to the opening of the plant, including Greenpeace, which feel the plant poses danger to surrounding residents. The opponents also feel Japan should be investing money in cleaner and safer renewable energy sources.


Japan is one of the world's largest consumers of fish. However, due to depleting ocean stocks the annual catch has been rapidly decreasing. Japan is the world's third largest consumer of fish, following China and Peru. Numbers of the prized bluefin tuna, known as the diamond of the sea in Japan, are dwindling causing fishing quotas to be reduced. Japan has been facing international pressure from environmentalists to curb its consumption of bluefin tuna.

Environmental Issues in Japan

Japan's whaling for "research purposes" has also attracted a great deal of negative international attention. The whale meat harvested from the research campaigns is sold in supermarkets and restaurants in Japan. Many people feel the Japanese JARPA research program is just an obvious cover for commercial whaling. The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, lead by Captain Paul Watson, uses controversial tactics to stop Japanese whaling vessels in the Antarctic. Two common methods used by Sea Shepherd are throwing rotten butter and powerful stink bombs at the Japanese whaling vessels.

Renewable energy accounts for only 1.3% of Japan's total energy production. Despite being technologically advanced and heavily dependent on oil imports, the country has set an unambitious goal of 1.6% by 2014. Currently Japan ranks 14th in the world for wind-power installations. With a lack of government policies to promote the use of renewable energies it is unlikely Japan will become a global leader in this area as many once thought.

Environmental Issues in Japan

Alton Trevino lives in Japan and enjoys writing about Japanese history and culture. Please visit the following pages to learn more about Japanese culture and ancient Japan.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Major Issues the Republican Party Faces

The Republican Party also called the Grand Old Party (GOP) is the second oldest active party in the United States of America and was established in 1854 by a coalition of former Whigs, Northern Democrats, former Liberty Party activists and Free-Soilers with the sole aim of opposing the spread of slavery and dreams of forming a united and modern America. Ripon, Wisconsin and Jackson, Michigan lay claim to the birthplace of the party. Abraham Lincoln is the first Republican to be elected President in 1861 and the GOP till date is also referred to as 'party of Lincoln'. The party presided over the 'American Civil War' and 'reconstruction', major events which shaped America's political and economic destiny. The color red has come to be recognized as the color of GOP though it has not been officially adopted by the party.

Republicans are known for their conservative platform - a curious blend of economic libertarianism and social conservatism leaning towards religious right. Their positions on issues of major importance are outlined below :


The support a robust version of federalism with greater limitations based on federal power and a larger role reserved for the states. They strongly believe that making law is the prerogative of the legislature and that judiciary should not legislate from the bench, a case in point being the Roe Vs. Wade abortion ruling. Towards this end, they have supported various bills in the last decade limiting the courts ability to hear certain types of cases thereby restricting judicial activism and review. They favor free-market system and limited government regulation. The have formulating policies supporting businesses, economic liberalism and economic freedom. They favor lower income tax rates and believe that graduated tax rates (higher income tax rates for high income earners) unfairly target those who create jobs and wealth. They do agree that a 'safety net' should be provided for those who are needy and less fortunate but believe that the private sector would be more effective than the government in meeting these objective. Towards this end, they have been trying to privatize 'social security funds management'. They oppose a 'single-payer universal health care system' as found in other developed countries labeling it as 'socialized medicine'. They favor the current personal- or employer-based insurance system complimented by the Medicare and Medicaid programs of the government. As a general rule, they oppose strict environmental regulation as they believe it hurts businesses. They have made several notable contributions to the field of environmental protection but are not taking a consistent and clear stand on this major issue. They oppose same-sex marriage and gay rights. They oppose racial quotas, and abortions. They strongly favor capital punishment as a means to prevent crimes while, at the same time, strongly supporting gun ownership rights. They advocate a strong national defense and strongly support unilateralism in matters of national security and insist on their right to take any action in their own self-interest. As regards international policy, there is a wide disparity between their stated objective and actual action. While their objective is to support attempts at democratization of countries currently under dictatorships, they have been actively supporting dictatorships in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Uzbekistan while opposing democratically elected governments in Venezuela, Palestine and elsewhere.

The Major Issues the Republican Party Faces

The final decision is in your hands. Be sure that you register to vote and use your power to choose and vote responsibly.

The Major Issues the Republican Party Faces

I love politics. My Texan Democrat Blog []. I want to get out there and support the democratic party.

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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Environmental Issues in India

The environmental issues in India become more serious every day and she is turning into a bit of a mess on this front but with over 1 Billion people most of which in dire poverty, it's hardly surprising. The recent boom in its industries, little or no environmental education, infrastructure at bursting point not to mention the huge deforestation that's going on.

India appears to be digging its own grave deeper and quicker than the rest of us, nearly 30% of India's gross agricultural output is lost every year due to soil degradation, poor land management and counter productive irrigation. 7516 km of coastline have also come under attack from this environmental sabotage, overfishing remains a huge problem due to lack of legislation enforcement. Raw sewage from an awful lot of people is pumped endlessly into the ocean along with other industrial waste and chemicals.


India's incredibly vulnerable water supply has also come under attack from every angle resulting in very dramatic drop in the national water tables. Air pollution remains a huge problem in India with the diesel used containing up to 200 times the amount of sulfur than our European diesel.

The Environmental Issues in India

The quite rapid story if India's deforestation is rather depressing. It is predicted that almost 5.3 Million hectares of forest have been destroyed since the independence. The government has been slow to recognise this problem and the solutions it has come up with involve unenforceable legislation mixed with wide spread corruption and a million poeple buring desire to survive

Land degradation, disease and a huge litter problem are some of the other problems which plague this great nation. It is however, not all lost...

The Environmental Issues in India

Follow the link below for a complete view of the Environmental issues in India.

Another Expert article from the web's most comprehensive India resource.
Written by Oliver Wakefield of

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