Friday, November 30, 2012

Current Environmental Science Events

Environmental science has become one of the premier media-friendly sciences over the last few decades. It is a science that thrives on symposiums, conferences, and of course media coverage. Te pressing environmental issues like green house emission and global warming nowadays share the media limelight along with global terrorism and sub-prime crisis in United States. There are a plenty of academic and industry-level conferences in the field of environmental science. In this article, details of some of the events related to environmental science to be held in the months of July and August in 2008 are provided.

The global conference on Global Warming will be held in Dedeman Hotel at Istanbul, Turkey, on July 6-10, 2008. The contemporary issues and the relevance of new findings regarding global warming will be discussed elaborately in the conference.

The seventh global conference of Environmental Justice and Global Citizenship will be held at Oxford, United Kingdom on July 9-12, 2008. Papers related to environments, sustainability and technologies will be presented in the conference. The objective of the conference is to figure out the role of environmental research in present-day society and politics, by finding out how environments, sustainability, and technology are linked in contemporary culture and politics.
The 22nd Annual Meeting for the Society of Conservation Biology will be held in Tennessee, United States, from July 13 to July 17, 2008.

Current Environmental Science Events

The AMSI/MASCOS Industry Workshop on the Mathematics of Water Supply and Pricing will be held at Queensland, Australia on July 14-16, July 2008. There will be short courses and lectures from experts on the topics such as water trading, pricing models, risk management, monitoring water quality and water economics during the three-day program.

World Renewable Energy Congress (WREC) Exhibition 2008 will be held from July 19 to July 25, 2008, at Glasgow, United Kingdom. WREC is a forum for people concerned with the conservation of the environment from various quarters, politicians, researchers, industrialists, media persons, and environmental activists, to present their views.

A special symposium on environmental conservation issues related to the Midwest floods will be held in Tuscan, Arizona, United States, on July 29, 2008, as part of the 2008 SWCS International Conference.

The fifth edition of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) World Congress will be held on August 3-7, 2008, at Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre in Sydney. The main objectives of the conference are to study and analyze the environmental problems to provide a sustainable solution. Special focus will be given to management and regulation of natural resources.

The conference on Climate Change Post-Kyoto: Insights from BRIC Countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) will be held on August 8, 2008, at Glasgow, United Kingdom. The conference is organized by University of Birmingham and University of Glasgow, United Kingdom.

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Ian Pennington is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about current environmental science events [], please visit Environmental Science Today [] for current articles and discussions.

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Monday, November 26, 2012

Understanding the Internal and External Environmental Factors and Its Impact on Daycare Marketing

For a daycare center to successfully identify what sort of marketing strategies to employ for the daycare, it is important first to evaluate the environment that affects its marketing strategy. There are 2 types of environmental factors that the daycare will need to assess; its external environment and its internal environment.

External environmental factors are issues that affect the daycare business but are outside of its control. The daycare just simply needs to know what it is and work around its constraints.
- Political - what are the governmental rules and regulations in which the daycare is required to adhere to.
- Economic - what is the economic situation. - recession? Inflation? Etc.
- Sociocultural - what is the expectation of the people with regards to daycare services. Are they expecting just a nanny care service or are they expecting something more. Thjs will impact the daycare services that should be offered.
- Technological - this will impact the way in which we communicate with the customer as well as how we promote the daycare centre.

There is also an internal environment in which the daycare exists which will affect the marketing which will require the business to do some "soul-searching". Internal environmental factors are those that are within the daycare's control. The daycare will need to look at the daycare business as a whole and identify its strengths and weaknesses. Strengths will be those factors that the daycare is proud of or good at. Weaknesses are basically areas of improvement. A good guide will be to benchmark the daycare against a close competitor's.

Understanding the Internal and External Environmental Factors and Its Impact on Daycare Marketing

In internal environmental scan will require the daycare to conduct a close evaluation at the following:
- the services it provides
- the price of its services
- its current strategy to promote and market the daycare
- the way the business is operating
- its staff and their qualifications
- its finances and budget

With the information gathered on the daycare's internal and external factors, the daycare will be able to make a more information decision on its marketing strategies.

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Home Remedies For Dry Scalp

Remedies for dry scalp are available from your dermatologist, over the counter at the drugstore and in your kitchen cabinet. Dry scalp can be caused by a number of factors but are generally the same things that affect the rest of your skin both environmental and dietary. We are quite good about treating our dry skin with moisturizers and body oils, but because the skin of our scalp is under our hair we sometimes forget that it is subject to the same drying conditions as the rest of our dermal layer. Luckily there are a number of inexpensive home remedies that can help you deal with this problem.

There are two basic remedies for dry scalp: massage and moisturizer. Massage will improve circulation and that in turn will help your scalp produce more of the natural oils that not only keep the skin from getting too dry, but also make for shiny, healthy hair. Once you have dealt with existing dryness, a 5 minute head massage once a week can go a great ways towards insuring that your scalp restores a level of healthy oil production, preventing the dry scalp from reoccurring.

There are many different home remedies for dry scalp, and which one you choose will be mostly up to personal taste and the time you have to devote to treatment. The process for these home remedies is the same, no matter what the recipe - Massage the mixture into your scalp for 2 to 3 minutes and then wrap your head in plastic wrap and a towel for an additional 5 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with cool water (for at least 1 minute) and then shampoo as normal. Two of the most effective recipes are 1) Mix together " cup olive oil and 10 finely crushed aspirin, apply to scalp - and 2) Simmer 12 tablespoons of oatmeal in 6 cups boiling water for 1 hour, strain oatmeal reserving water, add rosemary oil to oat water and apply to scalp.

Home Remedies For Dry Scalp

Some of the most common causes of a dry scalp are the weather, allergies, air conditioners and irritants found in your shampoos and styling products. You may want to think about swapping your shampoos and styling products to ones that exclude harsh chemicals. A combination of massage, moisturizing and easy to make home remedies for dry scalp will ensure the restoration of your natural oils thus liberating you from the dryness and irritation you may be suffering with.

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Ally Jones has been using home remedies to cure conditions for over a decade for more recipes visit Remedies For Dry Scalp

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Monday, November 19, 2012

The Marketing Environment

No business exists and operates in a vacuum, but as a part and parcel of the environment in which it finds itself. Efficient and effective marketing strategy is a function of the marketing manager's ability to understand the environment in which the business operates.

The marketing environment consists of a set of factors or forces that operate or influence a company's performance in its chosen target market.

Jain (1981:69) defined the marketing environment to include all those factors that may affect the organization directly or indirectly in any perceptible way. Marketing environment factors affects the organization by the way of input and the organizations also affect the environment by output. The relationship between the organization and the marketing environment is often referred to as "inseparable" the organization and it environment are constantly in a state of: give and take" or homeostasis.

The Marketing Environment

The marketing environment consist of those forces or element that impacts on the company's capability to operate effectively in its chosen target market.

The marketing environment is divided into two major components. The elements are,

Internal environment: the internal environment is concerned with the controllable variables. Controllable variables are categorized into two groups, they are; the strategy variables and unmarketable variables. External environment: the external environment is concerned with the uncontrollable variables. These variables are called uncontrollable because the marketing manager cannot directly control any of the elements. The marketing manager is left with the option of adapting to the environment by prompt observation, analysis and forecasting of these environmental factors. The external environment can further be divided into two components, the micro environment and the macro environment.

Micro environment:

The elements that fall under the micro environment consist of forces or factors in the firm's immediate environment that affect the firm's capability to perform effectively in the market place. These forces are suppliers, distributors, customers and competitors. Let us discuss each of the variables in details.


Suppliers are business customers who provide goods and services to other business organizations for resale or for productions of other goods. The behavior of certain forces in the suppliers can affect the performance of the buying organization positively or negatively. The critical factors here are the number of suppliers and the volume of suppliers to the industry. An audit of the suppliers will enable us to appreciate their strength and bargaining power, which the suppliers hold over the industry as a whole. The answers to the issues concerned have the potentials to affect the capability of firms in the industry to effectively deliver need-satisfying goods and/ or services. The trend today is that buyers attempt to persuade the supplier to provide exactly what the firms want. This process is known as "reverse marketing".


Customers are those who buy goods and/ or services produced by the company. In a purchase chain, different people play significant roles before a purchase decision is made. The various influences must be understood. The customer may be the consumer of the products where he/she is the user. The critical factor here is that needs and wants of consumers are not static. They are fast changing. The changes in the preferences of the consumer create opportunities and threats in the market. The changes called for the marshaling of separate strategy to either fit into windows of opportunities or survive the threats in the market. A good knowledge of consumers' behavior will facilitate the design and production of goods and services that the customers need and want, and not what they are able to produce.


A competitor is a firm operating in the same industry or market with another firm. The consideration here is that, Firm A produces a substitute to that of firm B (industrial approach) or firm A and firm B seeks to satisfy the same customer need (market approach.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Environmental Abuse

Abuse of our environment arises from actions that cannot be sustained by
nature. For instance, if 3 trees are felled in order to make way for a new
house, then nature has lost three trees and any offspring forever. This is not

If, after felling the three trees,  four new trees are planted in an
alternative location where growth and reproductive prospects are the same as in
the previous location, then this is sustainable. Why four trees, you may ask?
Two reasons: 1, because not all saplings survive into maturity, 2. to compensate
for the time lag before the new trees reach the age of those that were
replaced. This is a simple example to illustrate the point. In
reality, the calculation for restocking tree plantings involves many factors and
is quite a bit more complicated!

Power Stations - a Special Case

Environmental Abuse

Another example: if a power station is to be environmentally friendly then it
should either ensure that no pollutants or excess carbon dioxide is pumped into
the environment or take alternative actions that will restore the quality of the
environment. Historically we know this has not been achieved. If the cost of
making power stations environmentally sustainable was reasonable then we would
have done it long ago. The fact that this is a widely known problem has led to a
major misconception across society that being environmentally friendly costs money.
This is simply not the case. Modern power stations are generally far kinder to
the environment than older ones. They still pollute the environment, but not
nearly as much as the older ones did. To translate the power station experience
to other aspects of life, and industry in particular, is a mistake.

Pollution Production

Pollutants are unwanted bi-products. They have been produced and this
production has cost money. Trash that goes into land-fill is a bi-product of
goods that we want. This trash is made up primarily of packaging. Somebody went
to the trouble of making the packaging, using valuable energy and probably
emitting some pollution in the process. Somebody else went to the trouble of
purchasing this packaging - then, at the end of its life it is dumped. The same principle can be
applied to all pollution. It has been produced and paid for. To say, therefore, that
pollution reduction costs money is illogical.

Improving Power Stations

Let's apply this logic to power
stations: virtually all power stations around the world are pumping out
particles into the air as a bi-product. Older stations (especially coal-fired
ones) are pumping out relatively large particles compared to modern stations.
These large particles are responsible for seeding rain clouds and changing
weather patterns. If all these particles, large and small, were added up and
weighed, you can imagine that they would add up to thousands of tons a day that
are being pumped upwards - and eventually falling back down again. This is like
chartering 100's of airliners every day to take off loaded with tons of carbon
particles and then letting them free into the atmosphere. Old power stations
were built this way, when pollution and waste was not the main consideration.
Most countries around the world have brought in legislation to curb these
emissions, along with sulphur, mercury and other harmful substances and things
are improving all the time. I would contend though, that in time, this would
have happened through market forces. For example, another bi-product of coal
fired power stations - fly ash - is now routinely made into bricks for building
construction and is also used in road construction. Modern power stations also
recycle much of the heat produced in emissions as a way to improve
efficiency.  Many also heat local homes and businesses, including the power
station itself, using this heat output. As I stated, though, power stations are
a special case, and their struggle to be environmentally friendly has led to the
mistaken belief that environmentally friendly measures are costly.


To recycle, and even better, to re-use is surely preferable to a constant
cycle of dumping old and buying new. An even better way is summed up in an old-fashioned term:
conservation. This is not only the most environmentally sound way to proceed, it
is also the most cost effective. By turning down your thermostat a notch or two,
or by walking instead of driving occasionally; by turning off lights when you
leave an empty room: these may seems small measures to take, but if multiplied
around the world, would make a real difference to the environment. Take travel:
why do we travel so much? Can't some people work from home and therefore avoid
the rush hour and have a better quality of life? Can schools and homes be nearer
to each other? Perhaps there should be more/smaller schools and instead of less/larger? In fact, more and smaller of everything may not be a bad idea when
considering travel reduction. Perhaps the time has come to consider a steep rise in fuel

Environmental Footprint

Most production activities, and increasingly most of our everyday activities
have a so-called environmental "footprint". This footprint is a
measure of the effect of an action on the environment. When we take out then we
should give back. Just as new trees are planted to replace those that have been
felled, so we should make amends when we pollute our environment. Better still,
though, is the idea that we make no footprint in the first place. The question
is: why were the trees felled in the first place?

Environmental Abuse
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Monday, November 12, 2012

6 Dimensions of Wellness

When most of us think of wellness, we automatically think of physical health. We try to maintain a healthy body and hope that will ward off serious illness in the future. However, while physical health is crucial to good health, wellness has many dimensions beyond the physical. In fact, many experts believe there are 6 dimensions of wellness.

1. Emotional health
Understanding our emotions and finding healthy ways of expressing them is important to emotional health. Learn to accept your limitations and embrace ways to form healthy relationships with others. Maintain a sense of perspective, and learn to control emotions like sadness, anger, or frustration.

2. Spiritual health
Having a purpose in life and feeling that life is meaningful leads to spiritual health. Take some quiet time to discover the morals, ethics, and values that guide your decision making, and try to stick with those during problematic times.

6 Dimensions of Wellness

3. Social health
Maintaining healthy relationships with others leads to a healthier you. Try to learn ways to relate well with others, whether they are family members, coworkers, or friends. Practice communication skills and try to be the kind of friend or spouse you would like to have.

4. Environmental health
A healthier planet leads to healthier inhabitants, so not only should you protect yourself from environmental hazards, such as wearing sunscreen or staying indoors on smoggy days, but you should also look for ways to help the earth's health. Recycle or reuse items that you can, and donate used clothing, cell phones, or old computers to non-profit organizations that can refurbish them, thereby keeping them out of landfills.

5. Intellectual health
You've probably heard of the phrase "use it or lose it." That is particularly true for the brain. As we age, there is a natural progression of a slowing of the brain's functions, but you can combat this by working your brain every day. Keep your mind active with learning, creativity, and problem solving. Read up on current events each day. Paint, draw, or build something with your hands. Take a continuing education course at a local college, or join a book club. Even working a crossword puzzle each day can help to keep the mind active.

6. Physical health
Maintain a healthy body through proper nutrition, exercise, and the avoidance of harmful habits, such as smoking or alcohol abuse. Make sure you exercise at least 30 minutes each day. Eat lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats, such as those found in olive oil. Visit your dentist regularly, since dental health can affect the rest of your body. Seek medical attention when necessary.

Since our bodies and minds are interrelated, true wellness depends of integrating all of the above factors for a more holistic approach to good health. Monitoring and trying to improve in these 6 areas can lead to a happier, healthier you, which can ward off illnesses or diseases.

Physical health is probably the easiest to monitor. For a baseline of your body's physical health, consider getting a mobile health screening, which is convenient, painless, and non-invasive. You will find information quickly about your risk for heart attack or stroke.

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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Environmental Issues Affecting the Travel Industry

Protecting the environment is now one of the most talked-about and hotly-debated topics across the globe. Many companies are spending hundreds of millions of dollars to create products or make their products environmentally friendly. An example is the electric car that is being looked at as a viable option to that of the present gasoline powered car. In 2009 world leaders met in Copenhagen to discuss ways in which they can prevent global warming and reduce on the effects of climate change, in effect protecting the environment. The travel industry too has not been left out of this issue. In an industry where the number of people engaged in international travel has been predicted to reach the billion mark in 2010, there is concern about its contribution to the damage done to the environment. Also like every other industry the travel industry needs to be concerned about ways of doing business that are environmentally friendly. Outlined below are some of the environmental issues affecting the travel industry which stakeholders need to address and in some cases seek out long term solutions.

1. Aviation which ferries hundreds of thousands of tourists across the globe is of great concern to those seeking to protect the environment. A major concern for the industry is greenhouse gas emissions and their implication for climate change. Aviation produces at least two percent of emissions. One way the aviation industry is working on this problem is by rolling out newer planes that have fuel efficient engines which means less carbon emissions. However not all airlines especially in the poorer countries can afford buying new aircraft.

2. Mass tourism. With the cost of travel becoming cheaper and more and more people venturing further away from their countries to places that were previously inaccessible but can now be reached because of air transport, areas of environmental and historical significance are becoming crowded. This is putting pressure on ecosystems within these areas and threatening the flora and fauna. Also climate change is going to mean that certain places will not favour visitors because of weather conditions becoming extreme which will lead to overcrowding in other places with more favourable weather conditions. Again this presents a danger to the ecosystems in the overcrowded areas and to the tourism of the area.

Environmental Issues Affecting the Travel Industry

3. Deforestation. In spite of the worldwide call to protect the environment there are still areas where massive logging is taking place. This is also contributing to destruction of flora and fauna and is a threat to the tourism in those areas.

4. With the call to go green affecting all industries across the globe the tourism industry has not been left out. There is pressure on those who are in the industry to find methods of doing business that are sustainable and environmentally friendly. For example can the hotel industry build hotels that are more environmentally friendly? What methods can they use to conserve energy and reduce on chemicals that are used in the dry cleaning of tons of laundry used in the industry?

5. Human encroachment. With populations continuing to grow worldwide there is now competition between man and animals for space. Humans are now encroaching on areas like National Parks that are protected and marked for wildlife. This has led to reports of people and their livestock being killed by wild animals which in turn leads to people hunting and killing these animals that are considered to be a threat. This is a threat to the tourism of the area. Human encroachment is also forcing animals to move away from their habitat to other areas where they cannot survive leading to the extinction of certain species.

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