Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Energy From Our Waste - A Dawning Reality? Part 1

Ever thought that all the refuse and junk that you throw out of our kitchens and homes everyday could ever turn out useful and provide the energy to light up millions of homes? Well now, maybe not millions of homes, at least not yet, maybe a few thousands for now. Let me introduce you to RDFs, refuse derived fuels, don't start thinking the world's turning over on its head yet, you can't use them to power your car yet, so you'd better stop thinking of emptying the garbage can into your gas tanks, but who knows, in this world of ours anything is possible.

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Refuse derived fuels are a good substitute for more commercially and environmentally expensive fossil fuels used in most of our high energy demand industrial processes, cement industries, power plants. Refuse derived fuels mostly refer to high calorific fraction of our municipal solid waste that can either be domestic or industrial in its origins. Obtaining this high calorific fraction is the objective of the processing the waste has to go through. It's the reason any RDF processing facility has to have a material sorting facility.

There are generally two industrial processes for obtaining our RDF right now, the mechanical heat treatment and the mechanical biological treatment methods. RDF production facilities like other industries are best situated close to their sources of raw materials which in this case is municipal solid waste, basically that's the refuse you and I generate from our homes, so the regular RDF plant is next or as close as possible to the landfill site. Let's take a closer look at one of our processes for obtaining our RDF, let's take the mechanical heat treatment process or MHT first.

Energy From Our Waste - A Dawning Reality? Part 1

The first stage of this process involves a mechanical sorting of the MSW, the main objective is to remove the non combustible, materials, materials which are generally heat and fire resistant, glass, plastics, metals and the likes, this is mostly done by passing the refuse on a conveyor belt through shredders, trommel, screens, magnets and sometimes for a more refined and specific sorting process, through a hand picking process.

By the time we're through with these processes our MSW should have attained preset standard, which depends on many factors including the use to which we'd like to put the fuel to once it has been produced. The materials removed through the sorting process are mostly sent off for recycling. Any other rejects are usually only good for the landfill. The remaining material to undergo processing pass through the next stage. This involves, as the name might imply, a treatment with heat to yield the desired product. Refuse derived fuels. This heat treatment process is often referred to as an autoclave process, waste autoclave process in this case. Let me shed a little light on what an autoclave refers to, it simply refers to the process of treating waste, or any other feed material for that matter, with steam and heat under a certain amount of pressure. Waste autoclaves utilize injections of steam at high temperatures, usually up to about 160c, and at pressures of about 5 bars, these processes might take place in as little as an hour.

The major effects of the autoclaving process are:

o It sterilizes our refuse and neutralizes harmful microorganisms.

o It reduces considerably the volume of our waste that eventually has to go the landfill.

The autoclaving process breaks down most of the waste, breaking down and flattening plastics, while pulp, paper and other fibrous materials are reduced to a more fluid fibrous form. Autoclaving generally reduces the mass of waste by an average of about 50%. When it is done the chamber can be depressurized and the materials taken out to undergo another series of separation and recovery processes. The fiber fibrous materials obtained from this process can be burned as fuels in electricity generating plants.

Energy From Our Waste - A Dawning Reality? Part 1

For comments, inquiry and reactions, you can reach me at fiyinn@yahoo.com

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

2010 Environmental Tips - Easy Ways to Make an Environmental Difference

In 2010 you will not be able to avoid hearing about the environment and the future of the planet. Everyone has an opinion on it, but I am more interested in what I can do to reduce my own impact. If you would like to learn some simple things that you can do to just be more planet friendly, than check out my list of 2010 Environmental Tips.

1. Energy: My number one thing that everyone can do is to use less energy. This will not only save you money, but will make an environmental impact.

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a. Turn off lights in rooms that are not being used. Only takes a second to switch it off.
b. Turn off the computer or TV if you are away from it for more than 30 minutes. At nighttime shut them down - not on standby - turn them off - even during the day if you are away from the house for long periods.
c. Switch your light bulbs to lower energy bulbs.

2010 Environmental Tips - Easy Ways to Make an Environmental Difference

2. Water: My second thing is to think about the amount of water you use. Most people do not understand that water waste is very energy intensive. All the water that you use has been used before - it is all recycled at water treatment plants or naturally by rain. Cleaning water takes a lot of energy and time, so the less water you waste the more energy you save and in turn money.

a. When brushing your teeth, turn the water off while you brush. All the clean water going down the drain has to be cleaned. It is now dirty even though not used.
b. Take short showers versus baths, since baths usually consume more water.
c. Set up rain barrels to collect rainwater and use for your garden.

3. Transportation: Transportation is such a tricky issue; because no one solution works for everyone, so the only thing you can do is think about possible ways to reduce the impact it has.

a. Remember that an automobile that is well tuned, has proper tire inflation and driven sensibly uses less gas/petrol and pollutes less.
b. Plan your shopping trips so that you make one trip with several stops instead of several trips back and forth.
c. My pet peeve is to see cars sitting with their engines running while waiting to pick someone up. Please turn your engine off when parked for more than a few minutes.

4. Recycling has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. When I was a young boy, I used to cycle to school and recycle back home! No, I really did. On the way home from school I would collect bottles thrown into the bushes and streets, take them to the local store near my home and get cash for them. Back when they had deposit bottles. But I still recycle today.

It is important to remember that all thing we have are made from materials taken from the earth and the more we deplete those natural things like minerals, ores, wood, oil, etc. the less there will be in the future. It takes time to replenish and/or find many of these resources if at all possible.

a. Set up an easy recycling center at home. Collect paper, metal, glass, plastic and anything else you can recycle locally. Depending on where you live, you can sometimes mix some items while others need to be sorted.
b. When you have an option, buy things in recyclable containers or those made from recycled materials. Support recycling by buying recycled products such as paper.
c. Take things that you do not want, but are still useable, to shops that resell them - like Goodwill stores, charity shops, second hand stores, etc. There are so many places that accept these things that there is no reason to clog landfills with your unwanted items.

I hope that some of these ideas will get you thinking about your own impact and how some really simple changes can make a difference. If everyone makes a small change, we can make a differnece. Counting on politicians to solve the environmental problems is a waiting game and can we really afford to wait and see if they ever do anything but talk about it?

2010 Environmental Tips - Easy Ways to Make an Environmental Difference

If these 2010 Environmental Tips were helpful and you would like to learn more simple ideas, including how to make inexpensive effective non-toxic cleaners, check out http://www.fyidenmark.com/environment.html and get a copy of "Let's Talk Rubbish". Charlie has been teaching environmental education for nearly 15 years to school children throughout the world.

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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Total Hardness and Water Quality

Most adults have learned that water can be soft or hard. They have learned, too, that there is a connection between total hardness and water quality. Hard water reduces the power of your soap. In fact, hard water is often detected by noting the amount of soap required to form lather. Hard water may build up in hot water pipes and appliances, producing scale.

Hard Water Defined


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Hard water is water that contains high levels of dissolved calcium, magnesium, and other mineral salts such as iron. The greater the amount of dissolved minerals in the water, the harder it is.

Total Hardness and Water Quality

Total hardness is measured in grains per gallon (gpg) or parts per million (ppm). If water contains less than 3.5 gpg, it is considered soft water. If it contains more than 7 gpg, it is considered hard water. The American Society of Engineers' water hardness classification table breaks it down this way.

* Soft: 0 to 3.5 gpg - 0 to 60 ppm

* Moderate: 3.6 to 7 gpg - 61 to 120 ppm

* Hard: 7.1 to 10.5 gpg - 121 to 180 ppm

* Very Hard: More than 10.5 gpg - more than 180 ppm

Making the Connection

Total hardness and water quality are connected. Hard water is safe for drinking, cooking, and other household uses, but it can cause problems.

One way in which total hardness and water quality are connected is the effect of such water on household plumbing. Total hardness means a build-up of scales inside pipes, especially those carrying hot water.

Total hardness and water quality are also connected in their effect on appliances that use water. Dishwashers and washing machines can decrease in cleaning and laundering ability. Water heaters can become less efficient. Refrigerators that dispense water can become clogged.

Aesthetically, total hardness and water quality are connected in those white, chalky deposits that accumulate on tubs, sinks, and cookware.

U.S. Water Quality

According to the 1997 National Water Quality Survey, 1 of 5 people surveyed in the U.S. is dissatisfied with the water quality in his or her home. This is related to the fact given by the U.S. Geological Survey: that 85 percent of the U.S. has hard water. Many people install water softeners in their homes to improve water quality.

Determining Water Quality

You can have your water quality tested if you are moving into a new area or a new home. If you have been living in the same home for a while, you will know if your water is hard by looking for these 7 signs:

1. You have difficulty working up lather from a bar of soap.

2. Your soaps and detergents don't seem to clean well - you have dingy laundry in spite of your efforts to get it clean.

3. In the shower or bath, your soap leaves a film on your body and hair - you have dry skin and dull, limp hair.

4. You have to battle soap scum on bathtubs, shower tiles and doors, basins, and fixtures.

5. You see an increasing buildup of scale on your cookware such as tea kettle, coffee maker, and pasta pot. Your plumbing also contains scale.

6. Clogged pipes or appliances mean that water flow is reduced.

7. Your water heating costs are increasing due to scale buildup and mineral deposits, and you have to replace hot water heating elements more often.

Improving Water Quality

Treatment can improve water quality. You may use electromagnetic water conditioners, water filters, or water softeners.

Electromagnetic water conditioners improve water quality by sending water through a magnetic field. As the water passes between the magnets, its calcium and magnesium ions lose their scale-causing properties. Studies show that this relatively new invention does not technically soften water, but water quality is improved in that it no longer causes buildup of scales. Clothing also lasts longer, which is a definite increase in water quality.

Water filters are a second option for improving water quality, especially drinking water. Water filters can provide healthy drinking water by removing chlorine and other contaminants contained in water. Water filters can soften water, but they will not prevent scale buildup in pipes and water heaters.

Water softeners are a common way of improving water quality, and come in two types: chemical and mechanical. The water produced by chemical water softeners is not acceptable drinking water. Packaged chemicals are added directly to improve water quality in laundering and bathing, and are effective both in protecting clothing and guarding against dry skin and hair. Mechanical water softeners installed in your home will replace dissolved calcium and magnesium salts with sodium. This water is also not acceptable for drinking, especially by those who have hypertension. The water quality is greatly improved, however, for other uses. Lime scale is prevented; water heaters function efficiently; and laundered clothing is both cleaner and longer-lasting.

Soft Water

On the other end of the spectrum, total hardness and water quality are a benefit when that hardness level is below 3.5 gpg or 60 ppm. Soft water allows you to use less shampoo and soap, yet have shinier hair and softer skin. Soft water requires less soap or detergent in shower, laundry, kitchen, and household cleaning chores. It helps close look cleaner and last longer. It keeps water-using appliances and plumbing from wearing out as fast. Soft water keeps dishes and eating utensils spot-free, and extends the life of tea kettles and other cookware. Soft water reduces cleaning time by eliminating soap scum and buildup of scales.

Total hardness and water quality are closely connected, and you may find it worthwhile to use a water treatment system to improve your water quality - especially your drinking water.

Total Hardness and Water Quality

©2007, Anna Hart. Anna Hart invites you to read more of her articles about water quality at http://www.healthydrinkingwaterblog.com Anna has also posted information on that site about salt water. If you want to learn why you should not drink water softened with sodium, you won’t want to miss her article on that subject.

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