Saturday, June 30, 2012

Green Science Fair Projects - Creative Ideas For Environmentally Oriented Projects

Here are many ideas for science fair projects that are geared toward environmental awareness, renewable energy and sustainable living.

Wind Energy Demonstration - Build a wind tower with small electric motor which generates power to do work or charge a battery. Use an external fan or hair dryer to simulate wind. Supply supporting information from major wind energy manufacturers.


Renewables Survey - Conduct a study on the best renewable energy sources to use in your area, and identify the opportunities and challenges to implementing such a plan. Interview providers, agencies, landowners.

Green Science Fair Projects - Creative Ideas For Environmentally Oriented Projects

Hydrogen Generation - Build a solar powered water hydrolyzer. Use a solar cell to split water into Hydrogen and Oxygen. Supporting information would describe the Hydrogen Economy and fuel cell powered devices.

Hydroelectric Power - Build a hydroelectric generator. Small scale to have falling water turn a turbine which generates electricity. Research and document the environmental tradeoffs of hydropower.

Biodiesel - Create biodiesel from discarded fryer oil. Show the reactions and the issues around using biodiesel in conventional diesel vehicles. Research new developments in biodiesel generation.

Concentrated Solar Power - Create a working model of a concentrated solar power (CSP) station. Discuss hot fluid flow and storage, load leveling.

Composting - Perform an analysis of various waste streams to understand the potential reduction from composting (cafeteria, home, restaurant, etc.). Supporting evidence on uses of compost or organic matter in biofuels.

Cheapest / Greenest Batteries - Calculate the life cycle cost of various types of batteries in typical applications. For example, how many alkaline, rechargeable NiMH or Lithium AA would be required to operate a digital point-and-shoot for 1 hour per day for 1 year. Calculate the extended cost per year and measure the landfill and toxic metal contribution in addition to the total cost. Will require calculating life of various battery types in various applications.

Energy Audits - Create and execute an energy audit in various settings and attempt to measure the impact of various changes. Obtain electric bills or other usage metrics and do before/after data analysis. Focus on specific areas such as compact fluorescent (CF) lighting or setback thermostats.

Smart Power Strips - Some devices are sold that will measure electricity consumption on specific outlets. Consider using them to calculate the effectiveness of smart power strips, and calculate the payback period of a strip compared to the annual electricity usage avoided.

Carbon Footprint - Calculate the carbon footprint of various people you know. Suggest ways for them to lower their footprint. Explain the concept and compare footprints of your users to those in various places/countries.

Green Rooftops - Build a green rooftop and demonstrate the value in food/plant production and energy savings.

Waste Biomass to Energy - Research and conduct a survey of local agricultural or industrial processes that generate unused biomass that could be diverted to energy production through burning or ethanol production. Contact the waste stream generators and interview to understand their issues and the status of biomass reuse.

Cellulosic Ethanol - Demonstrate the process and effectiveness of various process or substances used to break down cellulose to fermentables for ethanol production. Ferment a control and various experimental settings and compare the quantity of ethanol produced.

Clean Water - Measure the water quality of various water sources such as ponds, lakes and streams. Note the quality variations of several samples from the same source over time and from various locations, such as upstream and downstream of an industrial site.

Landfill Gas Power - Demonstrate the generation of energy from landfill gases. Build a sealed landfill with organic material. Capture and show the methane generated and describe applications of landfill gas used to produce electricity.

Animal Waste Power. Demonstrate the generation of energy from animal waste. Similar to above but a little higher on the "gross" scale! Gather statistics on total mass of beef, pork and poultry waste generated in your country in one year and calculate the potential MWh per year of electricity which could be generated. Convert to currency.

Automobile Mileage Studies. Measure the impact of various mileage improvement strategies. It helps to have a vehicle with a reliable instantaneous MPG calculator. Maintain strict controls on ambient temperature, warmup, elevation change, wind and other nonvariables, and vary tire pressure, acceleration rate, vehicle speed, total vehicle weight and other factors. Run multiple nonsequential trials for each and show variability within and across variable groups. Make conclusions on effectiveness of each variable. Predict a target MPG from the combination of several factors and then experiment to see how close the actual values came to your predictions.

Electric Vehicle Charging Station. Design a solar powered electric car recharging station. Using current equipment specifications, calculate how large the station would need to be to recharge a current production electric vehicle. Estimate the cost of construction and years of operation to calculate cost per kWh and compare to conventionally-purchased electricity.

These are just a few ideas for combining Green with your next Science Fair project. Do Well!

Green Science Fair Projects - Creative Ideas For Environmentally Oriented Projects

John Huegel is a photographer in the Erie, Pennsylvania area who specializes in Seniors, Dance Studio, Families and other groups. He is active in many charitable and volunteer activities in the Erie area. His work can be seen at

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Common Health and Safety Hazards in Factories

Just like elsewhere in the western world, In the UK as well the government has prescribed some safety regulations that have to be adhered to by any workplace. Protection against health and safety hazards may even extend to the families of people employed in hazardous occupations. In the European Union, member countries have enforced authorities to ensure that the legal basics related to occupational health and safety hazards is followed in any case.

Hazard is something that can cause harm if not controlled. A risk is the probability of the outcome which will occur if harm occurs. The outcome can be defined as the result of an uncontrolled hazard. Risk analysis is conducted to identify hazards, evaluate the risk, and identify and prioritize the required actions.


Workplace safety hazards are normally grouped into environmental hazards, environmental agents, physical agents, physical hazards, chemical agents, and biological hazards. Environmental hazards normally include asphyxiation and dehydration. Environmental agents include heat and cold stress. Physical hazards include collision, tripping, falling, and electricity. Physical agents include noise, vibration, and lighting.

Common Health and Safety Hazards in Factories

Other hazards are mechanical hazards, biological hazards, and chemical agents. Depending on the type of work that is done in a factory, safety precautions have to be employed. Office workers can be affected by a flu spread by a co-worker, and a factory worker can receive serious injury because of an accident. Common health and safety hazards can be avoided by taking necessary precautions. But, even with all necessary precautions accidents do occur.

To minimize safety hazards, workers are issued safety goggles, helmets, gloves, safety shoes, and coveralls. For avoiding health hazards, a virus free and well ventilated environment is provided. Clean drinking water, clean and safe kitchen and eating areas are maintained. Some factories require medical checkups of the employees on regular basis.

There are some basic health and safety rules that all factory owners are bound to follow. There are special rules for factories that use hazardous material. These include installation of safety showers and eye wash stands. Special safety clothes may also be required by law to be provided to the employees.

The common safety and health laws that factories in the UK have to follow can be found in the local factory laws. They may differ slightly depending on the local county laws. Health laws cover providing a well ventilated, clean, and dust free environment. Safety laws require wearing of proper safety equipment as required by the type of job being performed. If it is a factory where there is a probability of falling objects striking someone, then safety helmets must be worn. If the floors are wet or slippery, proper safety shoes must be worn.

The basic rules are very general in nature as they encompass the entire business spectrum. But there are further classifications that are factory dependent. If the factory handles harmful chemicals, then the safety laws are going to be different from a factory that does packaging. One single rule cannot cover all factories' safety and health regulations. In most cases, the rules regarding safety and health can also be quite vague.

Common Health and Safety Hazards in Factories

To get best guidance and advice from Health and Safety Consultants based in Manchester UK, visit us online

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Monday, June 25, 2012

Environmental Eyesores

We have all seen them. Litter along the streets and highways, buildings old and in need of repair. The question remains what do we do about them? Who's job is it to clean up the planet? The streets and such?

I would have to say that it all starts with YOU. When I say that I mean, it starts with 'self.' It only takes one person to start a movement and one person can do a lot of good in the world if his or her reasons are just.


So, do you see that litter on the street? Pick it up! Do you see an old building that needs to be torn down? Take some kind of action to get that eye sore removed. Perhaps start a petition and tell others about it.

Environmental Eyesores

When people band together, they get a lot more done. Take the time to make the environment just a little greener - just a little nice-er to enjoy. Think about everyone on the planet and not just yourself.

However, remember that the action starts with you and I. We hold the future and the keys to going green and keeping it clean. Remember too that it is always a 'as hoped for' situation - perhaps we can never do away with it all. However, if everyone does a small part it becomes a larger part.

Everyone is part of the solution or part of the problem. So who's fault is it when our planet gets littered up and garbage mounts? Everyone is at fault.

Environmental Eyesores

Mark T. Joseph is a Professional Magician and World Record Holder whom you may know by his stage name 'Mark Mysterrio.' Mark was on a bed of nails for 283 hours and 5 minutes to get into the record books. You can view his online environmental petition here:

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Smoking Kills More Than Just the Tobacco Smoker

Many people who smoke cigarettes are mindful to the eventualities, including lung cancer, throat and mouth cancers, liver and bladder cancer, increased risk of infertility in men and women and decreased blood circulation and other bad effects. However, they are ready to take the peril, in spite of being conscious that tobacco smoking executes more individuals each year than every other avoidable intention.

If a man or woman decides to make such a distinction, that should be their prerogative, albeit it being gloomy and ill-fated. In spite of this, what is really gloomy is the knowing that their cigarette smoking kills off more than only themselves, in truth it results in a high proportion of impairment and loss to the people around them.


It's considered that an individual who does not smoke cigarettes hanging out with with a tobacco smoker breathes in about 15% of the same tobacco as the cigarette smoker. In consequence, for every ten tobacco products smoked, the person who doesn't smoke ingests proportionate to 1 1/2 cigarettes!

Smoking Kills More Than Just the Tobacco Smoker

Lung diease is still one of the principle ways that smoking snuffs out. In between the years of 1960 and 1990 casualties from lung diease amidst women have grown by more than 400 percent, exceeding breast cancer fatalities in the mid-1980s. The USA Cancer Society surmised that in 1994, over 64,000 females died from lung cancer and 44,300 lost their lives as a result of breast cancer.

Whereas a high percentage link cancer of the lungs to the fixation, smoking cigarettes slays. the pairing of tobacco smoker and the person who does not smoke tobacco in numerous ways than just this. The person who doesn't smoke tobacco who lives with tobacco smokers are more probable to have asthma and marred lungs than those who reside in a smokeless background.

Sustained bronchitis, pneumonia and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD) are more ways that cigarette smoking snuffs out. both the cigarette smoker and the individual who does not smoke cigarettes without prejudice.

Every year, openness to passive or environmental cigarette smoke causes an expected three thousand fatalities from cancer of the lungs throughout adults in the United States of America. Objective findings link environmental smoke with diseases of the heart, one of the most accepted ways smoking tobacco products kills. the tobacco smoker and the person who doesn't smoke tobacco alike.

Annually, more than four hundred thousand citizens of the USA die from smoking One in every five casualties in America is related to smoking. Every year, smoking kills off. more than two hundred and seventy six thousand males and 142,000 women.

This is yet another means that person who do not smoke tobacco, even those who are not affected with their health by cigarette smoke, are hurt by the disease. If nothing else, this means that these relations they cherish and care about are being denied 5,000,000 years. Finally, smoking tobacco executes. greater than only the cigarette smoker. It's a fixation that affects everybody, smoker or non-cigarette smoker.

Smoking Kills More Than Just the Tobacco Smoker

The dangers of cigarettes are such that smoking kills [] more than just the cigarette smoker. Further information on this subject can be found on my website. Webmasters are also invited to use our stop smoking affiliate program [].

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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Main Functions of Management

There are four main functions of management.

1. Planning.
2. Organizing.
3. Leading.
4. Controlling.



Main Functions of Management

Planning is an important managerial function. It provides the design of a desired future state and the means of bringing about that future state to accomplish the organization's objectives. In other words, planning is the process of thinking before doing. To solve the problems and take the advantages of the opportunities created by rapid change, managers must develop formal long- and short-range plans so that organizations can move toward their objectives.

It is the foundation area of management. It is the base upon which the all the areas of management should be built. Planning requires administration to assess; where the company is presently set, and where it would be in the upcoming. From there an appropriate course of action is determined and implemented to attain the company's goals and objectives

Planning is unending course of action. There may be sudden strategies where companies have to face. Sometimes they are uncontrollable. You can say that they are external factors that constantly affect a company both optimistically and pessimistically. Depending on the conditions, a company may have to alter its course of action in accomplishing certain goals. This kind of preparation, arrangement is known as strategic planning. In strategic planning, management analyzes inside and outside factors that may affect the company and so objectives and goals. Here they should have a study of strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats. For management to do this efficiently, it has to be very practical and ample.

Characteristics of planning.

Ø Goal oriented.
Ø Primacy.
Ø Pervasive.
Ø Flexible.
Ø Continuous.
Ø Involves choice.
Ø Futuristic.
Ø Mental exercise.
Ø Planning premises.

Importance of planning.

* Make objectives clear and specific.
* Make activities meaningful.
* Reduce the risk of uncertainty.
* Facilitators coordination.
* Facilitators decision making.
* Promotes creativity.
* Provides basis of control.
* Leads to economy and efficiency.
* Improves adoptive behavior.
* Facilitates integration.

Formal and informal planning.

Formal planning usually forces managers to consider all the important factors and focus upon both short- and long-range consequences. Formal planning is a systematic planning process during which plans are coordinated throughout the organization and are usually recorded in writing. There are some advantages informal planning. First, formalized planning forces managers to plan because they are required to do so by their superior or by organizational rules. Second, managers are forced to examine all areas of the organization. Third, the formalization it self provides a set of common assumptions on which all managers can base their plans.

Planning that is unsystematic, lacks coordination, and involves only parts of the organizations called informal planning. It has three dangerous deficiencies. First, it may not account for all the important factors. Second, it frequency focuses only on short range consequences. Third, without coordination, plans in different parts of the organization may conflict.

Stages in planning.

The sequential nature of planning means that each stage must be completed before the following stage is begun. A systematic planning progress is a series of sequential activities that lead to the implementation of organizational plans.

The first step in planning is to develop organizational objectives. Second, planning specialists and top management develop a strategic plan and communicate it to middle managers. Third, use the strategic plans to coordinate the development of intermediate plans by middle managers. Fourth, department managers and supervisors develop operating plans that are consistent with the intermediate plans. Fifth, implementation involves making decisions and initiating actions to carry out the plans. Sixth, the final stage, follow-up and control, which is critical.

The organizational planning system.

A coordinated organizational planning system requires that strategic, intermediate, and operating plans be developed in order of their importance to the organization. All three plans are interdependent with intermediate plans based on strategic plans and operating planes based on intermediate plans. Strategic plans are the first to be developed because they set the future direction of the organization and are crucial to the organization's survival. Thus, strategic plans lay the foundation for the development of intermediate and operating plans. The next plans to be developed are the intermediate plans; intermediate plans cover major functional areas within an organization and are the steppingstones to operating plans. Last come operating plans; these provide specific guidelines for the activities within each department.


The second function of the management is getting prepared, getting organized. Management must organize all its resources well before in hand to put into practice the course of action to decide that has been planned in the base function. Through this process, management will now determine the inside directorial configuration; establish and maintain relationships, and also assign required resources.

While determining the inside directorial configuration, management ought to look at the different divisions or departments. They also see to the harmonization of staff, and try to find out the best way to handle the important tasks and expenditure of information within the company. Management determines the division of work according to its need. It also has to decide for suitable departments to hand over authority and responsibilities.

Importance of the organization process and organization structure.

Promote specialization. Defines jobs. Classifies authority and power. Facilitators' coordination. Act as a source of support security satisfaction. Facilitators' adaptation. Facilitators' growth. Stimulators creativity.

Directing (Leading).

Directing is the third function of the management. Working under this function helps the management to control and supervise the actions of the staff. This helps them to assist the staff in achieving the company's goals and also accomplishing their personal or career goals which can be powered by motivation, communication, department dynamics, and department leadership.

Employees those which are highly provoked generally surpass in their job performance and also play important role in achieving the company's goal. And here lies the reason why managers focus on motivating their employees. They come about with prize and incentive programs based on job performance and geared in the direction of the employees requirements.

It is very important to maintain a productive working environment, building positive interpersonal relationships, and problem solving. And this can be done only with Effective communication. Understanding the communication process and working on area that need improvement, help managers to become more effective communicators. The finest technique of finding the areas that requires improvement is to ask themselves and others at regular intervals, how well they are doing. This leads to better relationship and helps the managers for better directing plans.


Managerial control is the follow-up process of examining performance, comparing actual against planned actions, and taking corrective action as necessary. It is continual; it does not occur only at the end of specified periods. Even though owners or managers of small stores may evaluate performance at the end of the year, they also monitor performance throughout the year.

Types of managerial control:

* Preventive control.

Preventive controls are designed to prevent undesired performance before it occurs.

* Corrective control.

Corrective controls are designed to adjust situations in which actual performance has already deviated from planned performance.

Stages in the managerial control process.

The managerial control process is composed of several stages. These stages includes

Determining performance standards. Measuring actual performance. Comparing actual performance against desired performance (performance standards) to determine deviations. Evaluating the deviations. Implementing corrective actions.

2) Describe how this each function leads to attain the organizational objectives.


Whether the system is an organization, department, business, project, etc., the process of planning includes planners working backwards through the system. They start from the results (outcomes and outputs) they prefer and work backwards through the system to identify the processes needed to produce the results. Then they identify what inputs (or resources) are needed to carry out the processes.

* Quick Look at Some Basic Terms:

Planning typically includes use of the following basic terms.

NOTE: It is not critical to grasp completely accurate definitions of each of the following terms. It is more important for planners to have a basic sense for the difference between goals/objectives (results) and strategies/tasks (methods to achieve the results).


Goals are specific accomplishments that must be accomplished in total, or in some combination, in order to achieve some larger, overall result preferred from the system, for example, the mission of an organization. (Going back to our reference to systems, goals are outputs from the system.)

Strategies or Activities

These are the methods or processes required in total, or in some combination, to achieve the goals. (Going back to our reference to systems, strategies are processes in the system.)


Objectives are specific accomplishments that must be accomplished in total, or in some combination, to achieve the goals in the plan. Objectives are usually "milestones" along the way when implementing the strategies.

Particularly in small organizations, people are assigned various tasks required to implement the plan. If the scope of the plan is very small, tasks and activities are often essentially the same.

Resources (and Budgets)

Resources include the people, materials, technologies, money, etc., required to implement the strategies or processes. The costs of these resources are often depicted in the form of a budget. (Going back to our reference to systems, resources are input to the system.)

Basic Overview of Typical Phases in Planning

Whether the system is an organization, department, business, project, etc., the basic planning process typically includes similar nature of activities carried out in similar sequence. The phases are carried out carefully or -- in some cases -- intuitively, for example, when planning a very small, straightforward effort. The complexity of the various phases (and their duplication throughout the system) depends on the scope of the system. For example, in a large corporation, the following phases would be carried out in the corporate offices, in each division, in each department, in each group, etc.

1. Reference Overall Singular Purpose ("Mission") or Desired Result from System.

During planning, planners have in mind (consciously or unconsciously) some overall purpose or result that the plan is to achieve. For example, during strategic planning, it is critical to reference the mission, or overall purpose, of the organization.

2. Take Stock Outside and Inside the System.

This "taking stock" is always done to some extent, whether consciously or unconsciously. For example, during strategic planning, it is important to conduct an environmental scan. This scan usually involves considering various driving forces, or major influences, that might effect the organization.

3. Analyze the Situation.

For example, during strategic planning, planners often conduct a "SWOT analysis". (SWOT is an acronym for considering the organization's strengths and weaknesses, and the opportunities and threats faced by the organization.) During this analysis, planners also can use a variety of assessments, or methods to "measure" the health of systems.

4. Establish Goals.

Based on the analysis and alignment to the overall mission of the system, planners establish a set of goals that build on strengths to take advantage of opportunities, while building up weaknesses and warding off threats.

5. Establish Strategies to Reach Goals.

The particular strategies (or methods to reach the goals) chosen depend on matters of affordability, practicality and efficiency.

6. Establish Objectives Along the Way to Achieving Goals.

Objectives are selected to be timely and indicative of progress toward goals.

7. Associate Responsibilities and Time Lines with Each Objective.

Responsibilities are assigned, including for implementation of the plan, and for achieving various goals and objectives. Ideally, deadlines are set for meeting each responsibility.

8. Write and Communicate a Plan Document.

The above information is organized and written in a document which is distributed around the system.

9. Acknowledge Completion and Celebrate Success.

This critical step is often ignored -- which can eventually undermine the success of many of your future planning efforts. The purpose of a plan is to address a current problem or pursue a development goal. It seems simplistic to assert that you should acknowledge if the problem was solved or the goal met. However, this step in the planning process is often ignored in lieu of moving on the next problem to solve or goal to pursue. Skipping this step can cultivate apathy and skepticism -- even cynicism -- in your organization. Do not skip this step.

To Ensure Successful Planning and Implementation:

A common failure in many kinds of planning is that the plan is never really implemented. Instead, all focus is on writing a plan document. Too often, the plan sits collecting dust on a shelf. Therefore, most of the following guidelines help to ensure that the planning process is carried out completely and is implemented completely -- or, deviations from the intended plan are recognized and managed accordingly.

Involve the Right People in the Planning Process

Going back to the reference to systems, it is critical that all parts of the system continue to exchange feedback in order to function effectively. This is true no matter what type of system. When planning, get input from everyone who will responsible to carry out parts of the plan, along with representative from groups who will be effected by the plan. Of course, people also should be involved in they will be responsible to review and authorize the plan.

Write Down the Planning Information and Communicate it Widely

New managers, in particular, often forget that others do not know what these managers know. Even if managers do communicate their intentions and plans verbally, chances are great that others will not completely hear or understand what the manager wants done. Also, as plans change, it is extremely difficult to remember who is supposed to be doing what and according to which version of the plan. Key stakeholders (employees, management, board members, founders, investor, customers, clients, etc.) may request copies of various types of plans. Therefore, it is critical to write plans down and communicate them widely.

Goals and Objectives Should Be SMARTER

SMARTER is an acronym, that is, a word composed by joining letters from different words in a phrase or set of words. In this case, a SMARTER goal or objective is:


For example, it is difficult to know what someone should be doing if they are to pursue the goal to "work harder". It is easier to recognize "Write a paper".


It is difficult to know what the scope of "Writing a paper" really is. It is easier to appreciate that effort if the goal is "Write a 30-page paper".


If I am to take responsibility for pursuit of a goal, the goal should be acceptable to me. For example, I am not likely to follow the directions of someone telling me to write a 30-page paper when I also have to five other papers to write. However, if you involve me in setting the goal so I can change my other commitments or modify the goal, I am much more likely to accept pursuit of the goal as well.


Even if I do accept responsibility to pursue a goal that is specific and measurable, the goal will not be useful to me or others if, for example, the goal is to "Write a 30-page paper in the next 10 seconds".

Time frame:

It may mean more to others if I commit to a realistic goal to "Write a 30-page paper in one week". However, it will mean more to others (particularly if they are planning to help me or guide me to reach the goal) if I specify that I will write one page a day for 30 days, rather than including the possibility that I will write all 30 pages in last day of the 30-day period.


The goal should stretch the performer's capabilities. For example, I might be more interested in writing a 30-page paper if the topic of the paper or the way that I write it will extend my capabilities.


I am more inclined to write the paper if the paper will contribute to an effort in such a way that I might be rewarded for my effort.

Build in Accountability (Regularly Review Who is Doing What and By When?)

Plans should specify who is responsible for achieving each result, including goals and objectives. Dates should be set for completion of each result, as well. Responsible parties should regularly review status of the plan. Be sure to have someone of authority "sign off" on the plan, including putting their signature on the plan to indicate they agree with and support its contents. Include responsibilities in policies, procedures, job descriptions, performance review processes, etc.

Note Deviations from the Plan and Replan Accordingly

It is OK to deviate from the plan. The plan is not a set of rules. It is an overall guideline. As important as following the plan is noticing deviations and adjusting the plan accordingly.

Evaluate Planning Process and the Plan

During the planning process, regularly collect feedback from participants. Do they agree with the planning process? If not, what do not they like and how could it be done better? In large, ongoing planning processes (such as strategic planning, business planning, project planning, etc.), it is critical to collect this kind of feedback regularly.

During regular reviews of implementation of the plan, assess if goals are being achieved or not. If not, were goals realistic? Do responsible parties have the resources necessary to achieve the goals and objectives? Should goals be changed? Should more priority be placed on achieving the goals? What needs to be done?

Finally, take 10 minutes to write down how the planning process could have been done better. File it away and read it the next time you conduct the planning process.

Recurring Planning Process is at Least as Important as Plan Document

Far too often, primary emphasis is placed on the plan document. This is extremely unfortunate because the real treasure of planning is the planning process itself. During planning, planners learn a great deal from ongoing analysis, reflection, discussion, debates and dialogue around issues and goals in the system. Perhaps there is no better example of misplaced priorities in planning than in business ethics. Far too often, people put emphasis on written codes of ethics and codes of conduct. While these documents certainly are important, at least as important is conducting ongoing communications around these documents. The ongoing communications are what sensitize people to understanding and following the values and behaviors suggested in the codes.

Nature of the Process Should Be Compatible to Nature of Planners

A prominent example of this type of potential problem is when planners do not prefer the "top down" or "bottom up", "linear" type of planning (for example, going from general to specific along the process of an environmental scan, SWOT analysis, mission/vision/values, issues and goals, strategies, objectives, timelines, etc.) There are other ways to conduct planning. For an overview of various methods, see (in the following, the models are applied to the strategic planning process, but generally are eligible for use elsewhere).

Critical -- But Frequently Missing Step -- Acknowledgement and Celebration of Results

It's easy for planners to become tired and even cynical about the planning process. One of the reasons for this problem is very likely that far too often, emphasis is placed on achieving the results. Once the desired results are achieved, new ones are quickly established. The process can seem like having to solve one problem after another, with no real end in sight. Yet when one really thinks about it, it is a major accomplishment to carefully analyze a situation, involve others in a plan to do something about it, work together to carry out the plan and actually see some results.


Organizing can be viewed as the activities to collect and configure resources in order to implement plans in a highly effective and efficient fashion. Organizing is a broad set of activities, and often considered one of the major functions of management. Therefore, there are a wide variety of topics in organizing. The following are some of the major types of organizing required in a business organization.

A key issue in the design of organizations is the coordination of activities within the organization.


Coordinating the activities of a wide range of people performing specialized jobs is critical if we wish avoid mass confusion. Likewise, various departments as grouping of specialized tasks must be coordinated. If the sales department sells on credit to anyone who wished it, sales are likely to increase but bad-debt losses may also increase. If the credit department approves sales only to customers with excellent credit records, sales may be lower. Thus there is a need to link or coordinate the activities of both departments (credits and sales) for the good of the total organization.

Coordination is the process of thinking several activities to achieve a functioning whole.


Leading is an activity that consists of influencing other people's behavior, individually and as a group, toward the achievement of desired objectives. A number of factors affect leadership. To provide a better understanding of the relationship of these factors to leadership, a general model of leadership is presented.

The degree of leader's influence on individuals and group effectiveness is affected by several energizing forces:

Individual factors. Organizational factors. The interaction (match or conflict) between individual and organizational factors.

A leader's influence over subordinates also affects and is affected by the effectiveness of the group.

* Group effectiveness.

The purpose of leadership is to enhance the group's achievement. The energizing forces may directly affect the group's effectiveness. The leader skills, the nature of the task, and the skills of each employee are all direct inputs into group achievement. If, for example, one member of the group is unskilled, the group will accomplish less. If the task is poorly designed, the group will achieve less.

These forces are also combined and modified by leader's influence. The leader's influence over subordinates acts as a catalyst to the task accomplishment by the group. And as the group becomes more effective, the leader's influence over subordinates becomes greater.

There are times when the effectiveness of a group depends on the leader's ability to exercise power over subordinates. A leader's behavior may be motivating because it affects the way a subordinate views task goals and personal goals. The leader's behavior also clarifies the paths by which the subordinate may reach those goals. Accordingly, several managerial strategies may be used.

First, the leader may partially determine which rewards (pay, promotion, recognition) to associate with a given task goal accomplishment. Then the leader uses the rewards that have the highest value for the employee. Giving sales representatives bonuses and commissions is an example of linking rewards to tasks. These bonuses and commissions generally are related to sales goals.

Second, the leader's interaction with the subordinate can increase the subordinate's expectations of receiving the rewards for achievement.

Third, by matching employee skills with task requirements and providing necessary support, the leader can increase the employee's expectation that effort will lead to good performance. The supervisor can either select qualified employees or provide training for new employees. In some instances, providing other types of support, such as appropriate tools, may increase the probability that employee effort leads to task goal accomplishment.

Fourth, the leader may increase the subordinate's personal satisfaction associated with doing a job and accomplishing job goals by

Assigning meaningful tasks; Delegating additional authority; Setting meaningful goals; Allowing subordinates to help set goals; Reducing frustrating barriers; Being considerate of subordinates' need.

With a leader who can motivate subordinates, a group is more likely to achieve goals; and therefore it is more likely to be affective.


Control, the last of four functions of management, includes establishing performance standards which are of course based on the company's objectives. It also involves evaluating and reporting of actual job performance. When these points are studied by the management then it is necessary to compare both the things. This study on comparison of both decides further corrective and preventive actions.

In an effort of solving performance problems, management should higher standards. They should straightforwardly speak to the employee or department having problem. On the contrary, if there are inadequate resources or disallow other external factors standards from being attained, management had to lower their standards as per requirement. The controlling processes as in comparison with other three, is unending process or say continuous process. With this management can make out any probable problems. It helps them in taking necessary preventive measures against the consequences. Management can also recognize any further developing problems that need corrective actions.

Although the control process is an action oriented, some situations may require no corrective action. When the performance standard is appropriate and actual performance meets that standard, no changes are necessary. But when control actions are necessary, they must be carefully formulated.

An effective control system is one that accomplishes the purposes for which it was designed.

Controls are designed to affect individual actions in an organization. Therefore control systems have implications for employee behavior. Managers must recognize several behavioral implications and avoid behavior detrimental to the organization.

It is common for individuals to resist certain controls. Some controls are designed to constrain and restrict certain types of behavior. For example, Dress codes often evoke resistance. Controls also carry certain status and power implications in organizations. Those responsible for controls placed on important performance areas frequently have more power to implement corrective actions. Control actions may create intergroup or interpersonal conflict within organizations. As stated earlier, coordination is required for effective controls. No quantitative performance standards may be interpreted differently by individuals, introducing the possibility of conflict. An excessive number of controls may limit flexibility and creativity. The lack of flexibility and creativity may lead to low levels of employee satisfaction and personal development, thus impairing the organization's ability to adapt to a changing environment.

Managers can overcome most of these consequences through communication and proper implementation of control actions. All performance standards should be communicated and understood.

Control systems must be implemented with concern for their effect on people's behavior in order to be in accord with organizational objectives. The control process generally focuses on increasing an organization's ability to achieve its objectives.

Effective and efficient management leads to success, the success where it attains the objectives and goals of the organizations. Of course for achieving the ultimate goal and aim management need to work creatively in problem solving in all the four functions. Management not only has to see the needs of accomplishing the goals but also has to look in to the process that their way is feasible for the company.

Main Functions of Management

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Topics to Talk About - Environmental Issues

There is an old saying that we only are renting the world for a little while from its true owners - our children. This can help remind us that the choices we make today about our lifestyles and our consumer habits can directly impact many future generations. We can help our children by not only bringing up topics to talk about in environmental issues, but also lead by example.

Easy Green Tips for Protecting Groundwater


Although the average human being can last up to three months without food, it can only last three days without water. Climate change and unwise uses of water supplies have lead to massive droughts in Australia, Europe and North America. For example, Spain decided to cater to the tourist industry by building many golf courses. Unfortunately, grass golf courses require lots of water in order to maintain. Spain now is in the midst of its worst drought in recorded history.

Topics to Talk About - Environmental Issues

Certainly by now you know about conserving water as much as possible. But you also need to protect the water we have left. Much of the drinking water supply comes from groundwater, which (as its name implies) means that it is located just underneath the ground. Because it is just under the ground means that it is very easy to contaminate.

The best thing you can do to protect groundwater is not to dump harmful chemicals into it. But you don't do that, you say. Oh, do you really Do you add fertilizers and insecticides to your lawn. Those wash off easily and sink into the groundwater. And what about the cleaners and washing detergents you use. Many of these harsh chemicals are destroying groundwater.

Use only a fraction of the recommended amount of laundry detergent. You will still get the clothes clean but without dumping so many chemicals in the groundwater. Better yet, use environmentally safe cleaning products made of botanical oils, bleach or vinegar. Look for a label showing the word with the words Design for the Environment U. S. EPA on it.

Instead of using chemical foam drain cleaners, use a couple of cups of baking soda and a kettle full of boiling water. It may take longer to work than a foam or liquid commercially made pipe cleaner, but it won't harm your pipes, the groundwater or your kids.

Polluting Yourself

There is no sense talking to your kids about environmental issues if you do not treat your own body with respect. You may not think that your body has anything to do with the environment, but it does. The way you treat yourself is often subconsciously reflected in the way we treat the environment.

Kids can easily recognize hypocrites. They will nod in agreement with you only to please you but then ignore all of your advice and teachings if they think you are a hypocrite. There is no sense preaching green tips if you drink, abuse drugs or smoke. Abusing alcohol, drugs and tobacco not only harms your body but also harms the environment.

How does smoking affect the environment Guess what the most prominently kind of trash is found on beaches all over the world Lighters, cigarettes, matches and tobacco pouches. Tobacco is poisonous to many creatures such as small dogs that can die from eating a few cigarettes.

Every little bit we consciously choose to do, is in some small way either helping or destroying our planet. Now is up to you to go the right way.

Topics to Talk About - Environmental Issues

Visit What's up Zone website to read about different topics to talk about, including environmental issues. Also learn how you can help with the quest of saving our planet from environmental destruction by using environmentally safe cleaning products [].

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Monday, June 18, 2012

The 5 Uncontrollable Environmental Forces

There are two aspects of marketing that marketers have to understand and work with. These two factors are the controllable factors which are known as the four Ps of marketing; price, promotion, place, and product, and the uncontrollable factors, social, economic, technological, regulatory, and competition. An organization has complete control of the controllable factors, however, what happens when a firm faces the uncontrollable factors:

The 5 Environmental Forces


1. Social
2 Economic
3. Regulatory
4. Competition
5. Technology

The 5 Uncontrollable Environmental Forces

Example of these factors would be; consumers changing their needs and wants (social), a change in technology (technology), government setting new regulations (regulatory), the state of the economy (economic), and a competitor entering the market (competition). The marketing manager has two options, work with or against these factors. A firms success is determined by how efficiently they deal with these factors when they occur.

For example, we know that house phones are becoming extinct because of cell phone (technology) so the companies who offer home service have to make a change or stop selling the service. A change in the marketing mix (four P's) is generally how most organizations adapt to this new change. Now we can get a house phone for .99 per month (price) while most cell phone plans start at around 40 dollars per month. The home service company adjusted to the change in technology (uncontrollable factors) by changing one of the four P's (controllable factor). They understood that a change in technology is something they have no control over and there wasn't anything they could do to stop the change from occurring. This is where planning and forecasting are huge in marketing.

The 5 Uncontrollable Environmental Forces

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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Impact of Environmental Factors on HRM

This article focuses Human Resource's are to be included in the total value of a business, as people constitute the core element of an organization. The various factors which emerge as a challenge have been highlighted.

HR manager cannot perform his job in a vacuum as a member of environment factors which affect the HRM. Environment in HRM refers the totality of all factors which influence both the organization and HRM sub-system.


Technological Factors:
Just as necessity is the mother of invention competition and other reasons are responsible for the rapid technological changes and innovations. As a consequence of these changes, technical, personnel skilled workers, computer operators and machine operators are increasingly required. Hence procurement of skilled employees and their increase in numbers to match the changing job requirements has become a complicated task.

Impact of Environmental Factors on HRM

Changing demand of employees:
The information technological revolution and neck to heel marketing competition of most of the organization due to globalization demand that the existing employees adopt to the ever changing work situations and learn new skills and knowledge, etc., to cope up with the new changes.

Employees' organization:
These organization constitutes one of the power blocks in many countries.

Organization depends upon customers for their survival and growth. Customers revolt against employees, if the services rendered are less qualitative. Hence HR manager has to take the customers' attitude towards employees in HRM, particularly on service Industries and enable the employees to maintain relations with customers.

Social Factors:
Social environment consists of class structure, mobility, social roles, nature and development of social institutions, caste structure and occupational structure socially forward and backward sections, traditions, religion, culture and etc., these factors influence the HRM of an organization viz., its Human Resources.

Economic Factors:
These factors affect HRM of an organization by influencing its operations. Eg-economic system, economic policies, national income /per capita income, wage level and structure, distribution of income and wealth and etc., Hence, these factors influence the wage and salary levels of an organization.

Political Factors:
Splits in and amalgamation of existing parties affects the trade union in an organizations results in intra and inter union rivalry, new trade union formation, splits in and amalgamation of existing trade union and etc., These changes in trade union complicate the taste of HRM.

The early part of the century saw a concern for improved efficiency through careful design of work. During the middle part of the century emphasis shifted to the availability of managerial personnel and employee productivity. Recently, they have a focus on renewed emphasis on productivity.

Impact of Environmental Factors on HRM

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Friday, June 15, 2012

Importance of Environmental Sustainability

Business organizations have a very important role to play towards ensuring environmental sustainability. They need to come up with a business model that will not only be beneficial for the business but also contribute to safety of the environment. According to experts, environmental sustainability can be considered a strong basis to ensure sustainable development and the emphasis should be on environmental and social welfare along with economic growth. There is no doubt that sustained growth of an economy is not possible without considering the environmental aspect. Therefore, governments as well as companies across the world need to consider this aspect for better results.

In the last few years, one of the key policy issues that have gained tremendous importance is the environment. Thanks to the increased concern over environmental issues, stringent pollution targets are being set by governments across the world. Due to this, companies providing environmental solutions are also enjoying innovative market opportunities.


In order to ensure environmental sustainability, balance is required between ecological system protection, economic development and maintenance of cultural and social well being of communities. Business organizations can benefit from environmental sustainability to a great extent. It will not only reduce harmful impacts on air, water and land but also help them comply with statutory obligations. Developed as well as underdeveloped countries are addressing future environmental concerns and climate change and due to this it has become important for companies to incorporate this concept in sustainability policies. For instance companies such as PepsiCo Inc have been following a global strategy on environmental sustainability. The company has reduced the use of water and energy in order to reduce greenhouse gas emission and bring down the cost of waste and packaging.

Importance of Environmental Sustainability

The present need for small as well as large companies across the world is to strike a balance between sustainable business activities and natural systems. Today, only when a company's business activities cause no damage to the environment, it will be considered better business. Natural resources should be used in a balanced manner so that the demands of future generation are also met.

Importance of Environmental Sustainability

Kevin Long is the founder of Global Deaf Connection and the co-founder of Justmeans, a social utility site that helps companies to attract and ignite advocates of better business and good work related to environmental sustainability, sustainable development, sustainable business and sustainable development trend. Kevin has done significant business development work for both for-profit and non-profit organizations.

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Monday, June 11, 2012

Salt Water Pool vs Chlorine

If you're on the market for a pool, it can be a bit overwhelming to choose a type of system that is right for you. The salt water pool vs. chlorine pool battle has bee raging over the last decade, and today, many homes are building these systems right from the start or converting their old chlorine pools into a salt pool. But what is the real difference from a salt water pool vs. chlorine option? Here is a quick run-down of the pool battle:

Salt water is more comfortable for swimmers. Don't be fooled into thinking that there is no chlorine in these pools. There is. However, in a salt water pool vs. a chlorine pool, the level of chlorine needed is lower and the pH level can be a bit higher. That means the pool water does not cause burning, itching, dry skin, or green hair. It also smells and tastes better.


These pools are less expensive to maintain. A salt water pool vs. chlorine pool is a lot cheaper over time because you do not have to add chlorine tablets to the water. Instead, you just add salt! The salt water runs through and electrical system that charges the salt and creates chlorine on its own. It is initially more expensive to maintain, but in only a few summers, it will pay for itself. After all chlorine tablets cost or more per bucket and you'll only need about worth of salt every summer, in most cases.

Salt Water Pool vs Chlorine

It is, in general, less time consuming to maintain these pools. A salt water pool vs. chlorine pool eats up less of your time because the control box, which charges the salt, regulates most of the water levels. Once you learn the system, you can easily control it, even when you go away on vacation by setting up a timer. However, be aware that you'll still have to check the water for pH levels as well as calcium levels.

Both salt water and chlorinated water are unhealthy for the environment. No one really wins the pool war when it comes to environmental concerns. While salt water may be a bit safer, it can still cause soil and drinking water problems, as well as kill sensitive plants around the pool. On the plus side, a salt pool option is safer for pets and for your family.

As you can see, a salt water pool vs. chlorine options is a much better choice in most cases. However, there are still some problems with salt water, and you should also consider natural pool water option, which are much safer. These systems cost a bit more initially, but the price is worth it because the quality of the water is unbeatable. Before you choose a pool system, make sure that you consider all the options.

Salt Water Pool vs Chlorine

Please visit us to learn how to have a chlorine free pool and to learn more about the problems with having a salt water pool.

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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Carbon Trading - What's All That About?

Firms are set quotas on how much carbon dioxide they can produce per year, if they produce more than this allowance, then they buy an allowance from another firm that has not reached it's quota on how much it can produce in one year! Get it?

Emissions Trading is particularly suited to the emissions of greenhouse gases, the gases responsible for global warming, which have the same effect wherever they are emitted.


Emissions of carbon dioxide - a greenhouse gas - are widely thought to be a key factor in global warming, increasing atmospheric temperatures around the world.

Carbon Trading - What's All That About?

The idea of the carbon-trading scheme was to raise the cost to firms of continuing to pollute while creating a market to give an incentive to become more environmentally efficient.

They are traded in a similar way to buying and selling shares, there are a number of companies that offer the buying and selling of carbon units and many offer different commissions and even free trading if you shop around. I even saw one firm that offered a one stop shopping for Renewable Energy, Biodiversity, and Greenhouse Gas. Its like an online retailer but for things you can't touch. Ill have 2 pounds of apples, a bag of potatoes and a Biodiversity credit please!!!

On an international level countries are able to deal in carbon trading The potential benefits of such a system for developing countries would be that poorer, developing countries can sell there surplus carbon dioxide to richer countries. This income could stimulate much needed economic growth. They could also achieve their Kyoto commitments at the lowest possible cost as the money needed to invest in cleaner technology can be funded by the trading on carbon units. Countries like the USA and UK could pay the countries in Africa to REFOREST there lands, this reduction in carbon dioxide in the planet would then allow USA/UK firms to emit extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. It would probably be cheaper to REFOREST parts of Africa then to buy state of the art cleaner technology for firms in the West. How many trees could you plant for a million dollars/pounds in Africa? The cost of cleaner technology in the West obviously varies from industry to industry, size of the company, technological advances available etc but surely a company would not trade CO2 unless we were talking big money. Carbon trading sounds a bit strange to me, as you are trading air, but if this leads to more trees being planted and a reduction in climate change - Im all for it!

Carbon Trading - What's All That About?

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Friday, June 8, 2012

The Toxic Danger of Fabric Softener and Dryer Sheets

Many people will remember a famous TV ad where a woman races to her washing machine, fabric softener in hand, only to arrive just as the wash ends. This woman who "forgot to ad the fabric softener" was actually doing herself and her family a favor.

Although they may make your clothes feel soft and smell fresh, fabric softener and dryer sheets are some of the most toxic products around. And chances are that the staggering 99.8 percent of Americans who use common commercial detergents, fabric softeners, bleaches, and stain removers would think twice if they knew they contained chemicals that could cause cancer and brain damage.



The Toxic Danger of Fabric Softener and Dryer Sheets

Here is a list of just some of the chemicals found in fabric softeners and dryer sheets:

* Benzyl acetate: Linked to pancreatic cancer

* Benzyl Alcohol: Upper respiratory tract irritant

* Ethanol: On the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Hazardous Waste list and can cause central nervous system disorders

* Limonene: Known carcinogen

* A-Terpineol: Can cause respiratory problems, including fatal edema, and central nervous system damage

* Ethyl Acetate: A narcotic on the EPA's Hazardous Waste list

* Camphor: Causes central nervous system disorders

* Chloroform: Neurotoxic, anesthetic and carcinogenic

* Linalool: A narcotic that causes central nervous system disorders

* Pentane: A chemical known to be harmful if inhaled

So how could products with pretty names like Soft Ocean Mist, Summer Orchard and April Fresh be so dangerous?

The chemicals in fabric softeners are pungent and strong smelling -- so strong that they require the use of these heavy fragrances (think 50 times as much fragrance) just to cover up the smells. Furthermore, synthetic fabrics, which are the reason fabric softeners were created in the first place, do not smell good either when heated in a dryer or heated by our bodies ... hence the need for even more hefty fragrances.

In other words, remove all the added fragrance that endears people to fabric softeners and -- like the cliché wolf in sheep's clothing -- the real smells of the chemical-laced fabric softener and the synthetic fabrics they were designed around may prompt people to shoot their laundry machines and be done with it.

Are "Soft" Clothes Worth It?

Fabric softeners are made to stay in your clothing for long periods of time. As such, chemicals are slowly released either into the air for you to inhale or onto your skin for you to absorb. Dryer sheets are particularly noxious because they are heated in the dryer and the chemicals are released through dryer vents and out into the environment. Health effects from being exposed to the chemicals in fabric softeners include:

* Central nervous system disorders

* Headaches

* Nausea

* Vomiting

* Dizziness

* Blood pressure reduction

* Irritation to skin, mucus membranes and respiratory tract

* Pancreatic cancer

Baby Fabric

Soften Your Clothes Safely With These Tips

Even if you don't feel the effects of these chemicals today, they can affect you gradually over time, and children, whose systems are still developing, are particularly at risk. There's really no reason to expose yourself to these risky chemicals when natural alternatives exist. Not only are they safer for you, your family and the environment, but they're much more economical too:

* Add a quarter cup of baking soda to wash cycle to soften fabric

* Add a quarter cup of white vinegar to rinse to soften fabric and eliminate cling

* Check out your local health food store for a natural fabric softener that uses a natural base like soy instead of chemicals

It's likely that fabric softeners and dryer sheets aren't the only toxic products in your home. Many household products that consumers regard as safe are also full of toxic chemicals. Our past articles on PEG Compounds in Cosmetics and Phenols in Common Household Cleansers are two of the all-time most popular articles on and will make you more aware of the pervasiveness of harmful chemicals that can be eliminated from your home.

The Toxic Danger of Fabric Softener and Dryer Sheets

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Monday, June 4, 2012

Vitamin C Overdose

Using Vitamin C products beyond recommended the limits may cause stomachaches and diarrhea. Even though the body would only use as much as it needs of the vitamin, Vitamin C Overdose can hinder metabolic activities in the body.

The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for Vitamin C in nonsmoking adults is 75 mg per day for women and 90 mg per day for men. For smokers, the RDAs are 110 mg per day for women and 125 mg per day for men. A dose of 200 milligrams daily is almost enough to maximize plasma and lymphocyte levels.


Higher levels of Vitamin C are needed when under environmental stress such as trauma, fever or infection. Full saturation is reached with daily intakes of 200-500 mg per day (in 2-3 divided doses). This is a water-soluble protein, and anything in excess is excreted by the body. Vitamin C Overdose can cause diarrhea, gas, or stomach upset. Other side effects could be stomach cramps, nausea, and diarrhea, and an increased risk of developing kidney stones. Large amounts of Vitamin C reduce body levels of copper, an essential nutrient. People with iron overload diseases must avoid Vitamin C Overdose, as it increases iron absorption. Special medical advice must be taken by individuals who have kidney stones. If a pregnant mother takes 6,000 mg of Vitamin C, the baby may develop rebound scurvy due to a sudden drop in daily intake. Hemochromatosis patients should not take Vitamin C due to enhanced accumulation of non-heme iron in the presence of this vitamin.

Vitamin C Overdose
Vitamin C Overdose

Vitamin C provides detailed information about vitamin C, benefits of vitamin C, topical vitamin C, vitamin C creams and more. Vitamin C is the sister site of Frequent Sinus Infections [].

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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Oil Filled Radiator Heaters - How They Work, And Uses

Why buy a Oil Filled Radiator Heater instead of different types?

most obvious reason to purchase a oil filled radiator heater is for safety and a
silent operation. These heaters operate by warming up a special heat-conserving
oil inside the heater. Then it circulates the oil throughout the coils and fins
of the radiator to heat them. Those coils and fins radiate the heat into the
rest of the room through convection. Cold air is warmed by the heat radiating
from the fins of the heater and the warmed air rises drawing in the air below it
which is usually colder than the air above and the process repeats. Since it
does not have fans to move the air around the radiator is silent.


How are Oil Filled Radiator Heaters different from other heaters?

Oil Filled Radiator Heaters - How They Work, And Uses

heat conserving oil is sealed inside the coils of the radiator. Since the oil is
only warmed, is never burned, and never needs to be replaced or refilled it
makes oil filled radiator heaters very efficient to operate. In addition, some
heaters have safety covers that prevent children and pets from touching the
heating elements that radiate the warmth. Generally they have a lower surface
temperature than other heaters, and because of the large surface area of the
heater they heat the room just as fast.

How do most people use Oil Filled Heaters?

These radiators are perfect
for chilly bedrooms and offices. They spot heat anywhere, and can be very
compact. Some are light in weight, letting you place them anywhere where you
need a little bit more heat. Several are made to fit into the area beneath a
desk so they can be unobtrusive and since they are quiet nobody would notice
their presence. Another important thing about the under desk radiators is that
they only take 40 watts of power to run so you could plug them into the same
circuit as your computer. The area of heat our radiator heaters can warm range
from 150 square feet to an area as small as 40 square feet for an under desk style unit.
An added benefit of the small desk-type units is that they are extremely

Buy a SAFE Oil Filled Radiator Heater for personal comfort.

These heaters are ideal if you
just need that extra bit of warmth or your co workers prefer it colder than you
like, or when you would
like to save money by not heating the whole building and only your little corner
of the house. Not only are they safer
than other heaters with tip over safety switches and overheat auto shutoff
switched, they require almost no maintenance, and are quite easy to

Oil Filled Radiator Heaters - How They Work, And Uses

Product specialist working with heaters

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